
How many of you had alot to drink..yes or no?

by  |  earlier

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this is a survey so can calculate the number of p**s heads on yahoo answers...:-)




  1. tee total. hate alcohol.

  2. Not in the last few days, but the beginning of the week OMG :)

  3. I dont drink. Thats what the e***a full of JDaniels is for.

  4. yes you could say ive had one too many

  5. I have had 4 glasses of red wine - I don't know if you would think that was a lot or not.

  6. I've had a bottle of Californian Red/ Buffalo Creek, but I can still type, I'm tired now.

  7. only one 2nite... had to drive.... but i have come on here often when drunk.... its funny

  8. my answer is yes but whenever you put me down on your survey add an extra one.if you are wondering what for dont forget to count YOURSELF.haha

  9. I don't drink alcohol.

  10. None as I'm six months pregnant - but pre pregnancy I'd be half in the bag by this time on a Saturday night!  Aah, happy days!

  11. not me

  12. never

  13. None for me!!

    I like being a statistic, so remember to count me in ! And we want to see the results as a pie chart


  14. I must be a p**s head... drat... you caught me....

  15. nope.

  16. If you are talking about alcohol, not me.  It's a big NO-N0 with my meds.  Water, yes, I had 7 glasses of water today.

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