
How many of you had dogs before kids?

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How many of you had dogs before kids? How many of those dogs had never been around children? And how did you handle the adjustment of adding children to the family and how did the dogs adjust? Did you worry that the dog could hurt the child, I'm not saying intentionally but the fact that the dog is stronger and doesn't understand the child is delicate? Did you have one that you knew you could trust but one you worried you couldn't? I was just curious if these thoughts ever crossed any or your minds. I mean I like to think we all make lifetime commitments to our animals but have you had those fears? Especially about safety, even though the dogs have never shown any reason you should worry about that? Just curious. I know my friends had those fears and I was wondering if it was common. I'm sure it is but what is your take on this




  1. I had 2 dogs before i had kids.

    Both dogs had been around children several times.

    I and my dogs adjusted quite well to brining home a new baby.

    Our dogs were always very gentle to neighbors and such so I was a bit worried but I got over it after a while.

    I could trust both my dogs and they were wonderful through the whole ordeal.

    I did have fears that when I was pregnant they would jump up on my stomach and hurt the baby but I soon got over the fear when they never jumped up on me.

  2. Yes, we had a dog and cat before we had our daughter. My cat was 8 at the time and my dog was 5. We were worried about our cat because she's not a people person and we were worried about our dog because he's big and clumsy. But, you know what, we were worried for nothing. It was strange, but it's as if they both knew that a baby is delicate. Our cat pretty much just ignored her. Sometimes sniffing her, but then leaving. And our dog just seemed to know to not get too close. Our daughter is three now and my dog is VERY protective of her and my cat is brave enough to let her stratch her head from time to time. She just gets up and leaves when she's tired of it. lol

  3. I had a small Maltese who was about 14 years old when my daughter was born.  I was worried because she was small, and always had a temper, and she was now old and I was worried that she would not like the idea of a baby being around.  She was going deaf & blind also.  Well, when my daughter was born, it took her a few days to realize what she was.  At first she wanted nothing to do with her, and then she was like her protector.  She wouldn't leave my daughters side :)  

    My mom had a male boxer that is a beast!  LOL.  He's huge!  And he was like 4 years old at the time and had never been around babies or little kids.  He took to her with no problems.  Always wagged his butt (cause his tail is a little stub so his whole butt wags lol) and would sniff her and just slobber all over the place.  When she got old enough to crawl and move around a bit more she would go right up to him and poke & pull and crawl all over him and sit on his nose and he just layed there.  Never flinched or anything.  He was GREAT with her.  And still is.  :)

  4. There are all kinds of great training kits out there. Get one when you're thinking about having kids. Some even come with baby sound effects and recommend you bring baby stuff into the home early, so they can get used to the smell of diapers, wipes, powder, etc.

  5. I had a dog before I had a child.  She had neer been around other kids.  my dog was awesome with my son when we brought him home and walys has been.  My son is 16 months old now and they absolutley love each other.  She waits ouside his door while he naps even.  She is a small 5 pound dog but still.  I worried about her scratching him and being jealous of him but she never was.  We just made sure to give her lots of attention when we brought him home.  We also did the take something home that smells like the baby thing before he came home.  Dogs are very intuned to feeligns, behaviors, etc adn I think as long as the dog doesn't feel replaces by the baby and you show the dog the baby and let them interact then evrything will be OK.  You just have to make sure while the child is still a young infant you are keeping a close eye becuase like you sa, something could happen but it all depends on teh teperment of the dog I think.  Our dog was only 6 months when I had my son.  Good luck!!

  6. When my sons were 4 months old, I moved back home with my parents for a while. They had 4 dogs (3 golden retrievers and one "mutt" and they were also taking care of my golden retriever). So I was definitely nervous about moving my babies into a house with 5 dogs, but we never actually had even one problem. I was around the dogs when I was pregnant, and they have a sense about those things. When the boys moved in, the dogs pretty much adopted them as their own lol. If one of the boys was crying, the "mutt" Sonny would bark at me and glare at me like I was hurting her baby lol. They were very protective of the boys and never even once groweled or barked at them, and never bit. If you have a good tempered dog, it should do very well with your new baby, especially if it's been around you when you were pregnant. My dog would lay his head on my belly constantly, and he never did that before I was pregnant. Good luck!

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