
How many of you have a baby mirror in your car?

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Do you think it is a little dangerous? You know, with such a cutie in the backseat it is hard to keep my eyes on the road.

And before somebody says"You need to have your license revoked!", there is such a thing as exaggeration, ya know.




  1. We dont have one in our car. My husband very rarely goes anywhere with our daughter without me, and he is always driving, so when we are out and about I can always take a peek at her if I need to.

    "Do you think it is a little dangerous? You know, with such a cutie in the backseat it is hard to keep my eyes on the road." -->  Lol!!  :)

    EDIT-- BOOO to Tortuga Tom!!

  2. For those of you non-drivers who think this ISN'T dangerous, you should ALL have your licenses revoked. You're in two (or more) tons of steel (yes, I know all you mommies drive over-sized SUVs and minivans) shouldn't be babysitting while behind the wheel...or whiping their snotty little noses...or chattering away on your stupid cell phones. Pay attention when you're on the road so you don't kill the rest of us.

  3. I do have one, its great to keep an eye on my little one, especially when she gets really quiet, that always makes me nervous, but yes when she is just babbling away or doing something really cute I do get distracted by watching her.

  4. I have one, but a small one! I dont want those big ones that could take up the whole rear view mirror one. They can get distracting at time because the first thing I see i my rear view mirror is my daughter, but I have it angled so its at the corner of the mirror and I can see from her nose up, to see if she is crying or upset. I love it, its hard to get use to at first. If you are worried about it being a distraction only use it for long trips! My daughter tends to stop breathing for a few seconds when she is crying and since I cant always pull over to check to see if she is ok, I like having it there, because if she is crying and then stops I panik and think omg she passed out, lol, rather then her just calming down.  

  5. I was thinking of getting one of those but seeing as I have a 4 year old I just tend to ask him, "Whats the baby doing/ is she asleep / has her dummy fallen out?" Costs a little more than a mirror but it means i can keep my eyes on the road. Lol.

  6. You should have your license revoked!


    I plan on getting one-I just like the idea of being able to check on my baby girl when she's here...Makes me feel safer.

  7. i had one. it didn't anchor very well so i took it down. parents magazine recommends getting one with soft edges that anchors securely, in case of an accident. i have just gotton used to not being able to see him. i think they are great for newborns so you can make sure their little heads aren't lopped over. you just have to make sure you get one that is safe. i loved being able to look at my baby though. now that he's older i cant see him, but i can always hear him. hes always making some kind of noise!

  8. We bought a small Eddie Bauer mirror that attaches to our mirror above the dash. Because of my bigger belly, I find it hard to twist to see her, so having this mirror there to turn in my direction and see her is much easier. It's also much safer than having to turn to see your child.

    I also don't drive, so I'm usually the one who looks through it.

  9. I don't, my husband does in his car.   We went into a local firestation after he was born to have our carseats inspected, and they chastised me for having one....they said it was "dangerous" in the case of an accident, it could fly off and hit the kid in the face.  Me, being an overly-paranoid protective new mom, got rid of mine.  My husband kept his in the car.

    In hindsight, it's one of those things where this "accident leading to a mirror flying into baby's face" is probably a 1 in a million type of thing.  They probably HAVE to say it to cover their butts at the firestation.  I keep meaning to buy another one, but keep forgetting!

  10. yes, but they are mostly useful for the passanger to see the babies. As the driver, I can't see them very well but well enough that I can see if they are sleeping or not.  

  11. i have one and i love it.  you only really need to look at it if the baby is crying or being TOO quiet.  

  12. I do.  

    I can't count how many times I've almost run into a tree because I'm staring in the mirror.  (sarcasm, people)

  13. LOL!!!  You are so funny!

    Yes, I went and bought the Fisher Price one for my car after not being able to locate the one that I had when my oldest was a baby.  Then, of course I found it.  So, my husband and I both have 2 different Fisher Price mirrors, I love them!

  14. I had one, for me it relieved any anxiety I had about "is the baby choking"?  You get to the point where you're able to use it as the tool it is rather than a source of entertainment.  

  15. I don't have it.

    If he makes suspicious noise, I pull over and check.

    And that's probably why all my trips take longer now than before I had him...

  16. One of our vehicles comes with it already attached and you can fold it up, so you can't see it or you can have it down. Usually one of the older kids can just make sure if the babies are alright, but I like the security of knowing that I can flip the mirror down and use it. We usually don't though.

  17. I never had one when my daughter was a baby. I don't plan to get one with my next either. You're right, I'd be looking at them through the mirror constantly.

  18. I don't see why it would be dangerous, they are meant for safety so you can see that your child is not choking or something when they are in a rear facing car seat. If you can't keep your eyes on the raid than thats a whole other problem and maybe you shouldnt drive your baby.

  19. I have one in my car. I like to be able to glance back and make sure he's ok. I've gotta make sure I'm watching the road more than I'm watching the baby!

  20. I love my mirror.  I would hate not being able to see back there...

  21. LOL...I have one and I was thinking the same thing! Im constantly looking back there at her and sometimes she is doing funny stuff like ( Chewing on her toes, babbling at he doll) and I get to laughing and I have to tell myself: KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE ROAD! LOL...

    But, In all seriousness- I think it is a good thing to have because its so hard anyways since they are refacing....I cant wait until I can turn my daughter around!

  22. no i dont..if i need to watch her i usually just adjust my rear view mirror to look at her or just turn around...either long as she is quiet i know she is keeping out of trouble lol

  23. I have one. I have a two month old and almost three month old, so I need to keep an eye on them while they're together in the back. I agree with you though, it's hard to keep your eyes on the road with such cute kids!

  24. I thought about it but then I heard horror stories (isn't there always a horror story!) about them falling off and hitting the baby in the head. No idea where I heard that, most likely a crazy friend, but I just decided it wasn't worth the money.

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