
How many of you have been present at the birth of lambs? Ive just spent 4hrs delivering 15 New Born's.?

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i smell more sheep than the sheep do now.




  1. No I can't say that I have.

  2. Well done C for your success and hard work I have seen pigs being born and mice but the best was watching babies being born as a nurse.

    I think bringing any life into the world is amazing well done.

  3. I'm so jealous that sounds like something out of the bible, wow you are lucky today country,,,,and I love how you change your avatar name to change with your day and your moods ( I adore it and you my favorite, mate )!!!!!!!!

  4. Our neighbour had 300 in the last three weeks, only 90 left to go. (that's counting the ewes, not the lambs) I only got five to lamb this year, they are taking there time, but they usually don't need much assistance.

  5. You  have done well.This is a very rewarding part of farming. I have seen many little animals come into the world in my time, and i must say although tiring and time consuming it is worth everything when you see that minutes old thing scramble onto spindly little legs.......

  6. I saw two lambs being born in a field, right near to the road, in Scotland in 1970.  I have never eaten lamb since that day.  I know I am a hypocrite because I not vegetarian.  Just can't eat lamb.

  7. You lucky lucky person Country!  I absolutely love animals and wildlife and I would just so enjoy the experience you just have - I am dead envious!!!  Congratulations on being a sheep midwife!!!!

  8. We've just started lambing and know exactly what you mean about smelling of sheep! I've been a sheep farmer all my life and I can honestly say it is the best (and sometimes worst) time of the year. I've seen and assisted hundreds of ewes give birth and I NEVER get sick of the sight of it. The instinct the lambs have to get up and suckle within minutes, the deep throaty call of the ewe, it is magical. Mother nauture at her best.

  9. When I was at school we watched some lambs being born. We docked their tails and castrated them a few weeks later and eventually took them to the abbatoir. We had the best barbeque afterwards though... True story

  10. I delivered 9 in the last two days.  In Jan. I had 6 ewes deliver 10 lambs all with in 2 days.  I just got in from banding tails and I still smell like sheep too.  But 15 lambs in 4 hours!!! MAN, that's gotta be a record!!!   So, how many sets of triplets?  I had 3 sets of triplets in the last 2 days!  2 of them I had to pull.  I still have one ewe left to lamb.  Have you learned how to tell when the ewe has more lambs coming?  I have learned that if, after the lamb is born there is still an intact water sack, another baby is on the way!

    This is my first year lambing but I am loving it!  Next year, it's a web cam in the barn baby!  No more running out to check on ewes every two hours!!! LOLOL

  11. i saw a sheep in labour, and was smart enough to relise it was in distress. went to get a man who knew a bit about sheep. and said we should catch it, (as the farmer couldnt come out for half an hour) we finally caught it and i ended up delivering the lamb.

    an amazing experienc but this and bottle feeding lambs made me stop eating them... no mint sauce for me

  12. That would have been nice.  I have only watched a calf being born and the mother rejected it so it was left to die.

  13. Congratulations ! We should now call you (ewe) :-

    Country Bumpkin C.B.E.(i.e. C..ountry ,B...umpkin,E..ewes)

  14. Having grown up on a farm I've had the pleasure of seeing several animals born. Don't know what it is, but the wee ones are a special treat. The amazing ones are the calves n horses finding their legs. It is truly a sight to see. =o)

  15. Great, we holidayed on a farm for 20 years and went one year specially for lambing.

    We now live in the village and our friend,like you, is in the midst of it all and last week one ewe actually had quads.He even has a special care unit, with heat lamps for the littleys that need extra care.

  16. I raise meat goats.  I see hundreds of kids born on my farm every year.

    I use to raise sheep as well, until about four years ago.  I've seen plenty of the lambs being born.

    My question is, where you actually helping the ewe's deliver the lambs, or just watching, and then dipping the umbilicals in iodine, after the ewe gave birth?

    If you had to do more than dip the umbilical cords of the lambs in iodine, you need to start culling ewes in your herd.

    Goats and sheep should be able to drop their young completely unassisted by humans in all kinds of weather.  If you are having snow, or rain, provide three sided shelters with clean bedding.  The mother should do the rest.

    My ewes gave birth completely unassisted.  Anyone that had a problem birth was sent off to slaughter, along with her lambs after they got big enough.  If you cull your herd, and keep only the ewes who give birth unassisted, and raise healthy twin lambs to market size ever year, your overall herd health with improve, as well as the money in your wallet.

    My does now give birth twice a year, and raise twins every time.  I've had a 380% kid crop for years now.  With sheep, you should have a 200% lamb crop.  Not just 200% born, but 200% raised to market size.  

    Lambs are cute.  What type do you have?  I raise Cheviots, and Katahdins.


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

  17. Being there at the conception is more fun.. especially when they are on the edge of a cliff.. they push back.......

  18. Well done only puppies for me.

  19. ffs Country maybe you are a midwife!

    15 in 4hrs, brilliant, by my counting if I'm on par with the sheep then I should have these two in 25mins! lol

  20. I have only ever seen one lamb born, I was with my son, we were on a playschool visit to a local farm.

  21. When I was about 13/14 I spent an Easter Holiday at a working farm country and my Brother and I were allowed to see the lambs being born and one that was rejected by his mum we were allowed to help bottle feed whilst we were there......Farm just by Dartmoor.  How lucky are you delivering 15 new borns...hope they are ok x

  22. I have.

    i took the lame one in the house to raise him and he grew up just fine, and he loved me

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