
How many of you have been to Malta?

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I am half maltese and have visited over the years. Im from Cali and it is so rare to find people who even know what Malta is, let alone where it is... What are some thoughts on this beautiful ancient Island?




  1. Hey I'm Maltese..well my two sides are Maltese :)

    I live in Malta,along with other 400,000 Maltese people living here.

    It's true that some don't know were Malta is,especially the Americans but that's because they lack of general knowledge.Not to offend anyone but,if they perheps don't know where malta is situated and are more intrested in other European countries,they should know that Malta is one of the 27 countries that form part of the European union.:)

    The Maltese are a proud people with an unique Mediterranean culture,as well with an unique language,Maltese(Maltese is a semitic language written in the Latin alphabet, but with the addition of special characters to accommodate certain Semitic sounds)and we have a very rich history.An interesting fact is that the megalithic temples in Malta are actually older than the pyramids of Egypt and Stonehenge.Also 98 percent of the population is Roman Catholic, making the nation one of the most Catholic countries in the world (talking about Malta,of course)

    However,I hope that I showed you how much I know my country well ;-)

  2. hey we are not extinct you know!!!!!!  i'm still alive and i'm surrounded by other 400,000 living on this piece of land in the middle of the mediterranean!

    so some thoughts on this beautiful ancient island.....  to be correct malta is relatively young compared to other lands because geographically it was formed from deposits, and not like other surrounding lands, from submerged lands.  about beautiful... yes if you're referring to the historical sites and the sea and the weather... but not if you're including the 'development' that is going on... that is, the destruction of the natural enviornment to build more flats...  this is when there are at least 40,000 residencies which are empty.

    but aside from that, i wouldnt want to live anywhere else.  here i have all my family and friends and the enviornment is familiar...  i know the people, the land and the way of conduct. and i am comfortable in this way.  i like familiarity that is.  and now that some clouds have finally appeared in the sky, breaking the month long plus of continous sunshine (and resultant increase in temperature), i would agree that the weather is finally compatible with life at midday.

    i hope i satisfied your wish to know that out of the 400,000 beings living on the island at least one responded!!!  i was sure happy to find someone to admit being half maltese!!!  it was nice meeting you here anyway!  it's a small world after all :)

    btw... is cali in italy?!?

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