
How many of you have been to a winter (Dec, Jan, or Feb) wedding and if not then what month did you have it in

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How many of you have been to a winter (Dec, Jan, or Feb) wedding and if not then what month did you have it in




  1. My cousins got married in December, and she had a whole bunch of little trees with Christmas lights.  When I spoke to  her about it a few years later, she said she wished she hadn't had it in Dec because everyone expected it to be Christmas-y, and she didn't want it like that.  She said the trees were kind of forced upon her due to the month.  

    I got married in Sept, but her's is one of the few winter weddings I've been to.

  2. I'm in Australia and my daughter was married on the coldest,windiest, and wettest day in June. For some reason she was the prettiest bride. Maybe I'm biased.

  3. these three months are idol months for getting married.

    i too hav on 19th jan.

  4. I've never been to a winter wedding.  I lived in Minnesota up until two months ago and December, January, and February would be terrible months to have a wedding there simply because it's really cold and the weather can be very unpredictable (think blizzards and ice storms).  I got married in Minnesota in May.  If you live in a state with a milder climate, I think a winter wedding would be great!

  5. My wedding was in December because I love Christmas and because it is cooler then. Right now the temps are in the high 90's to 100 everyday. The evenings are still in the low 90's.

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