
How many of you have double jointed fingers and/or thumbs? and how far can you stretch them backwards?

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How many of you have double jointed fingers and/or thumbs? and how far can you stretch them backwards?




  1. My hospital's nurse have this situation, she have a finger which have this point that her left or right hand her last finger have it. She is friendly, helpful, kind, caring, she is a good nurse & lots of good points but she can't sketch them backwards.

  2. My fingers and thumbs are double jointed.  My fingers are double jointed in three different ways, while only one of my thumbs is double jointed, because of an injury that I never got fixed.  I can't explain what I do with my fingers... But I could show you pictures. Hahaha. And with my thumb, I can basically do what other people can do with their thumbs, that have broken them.

  3. omg i have double jointed fingers and i can stretch them all like really far but i can put my thumb on my wrist w/o moving the rest of my hand and i can pop my thumbs in and outta place really easily!

  4. I had a basketball injury to my right setting hand and now I only have one joint in two fingers of my right hand but it sure helps to put the ball where I want it.

  5. i have a double jointed thumb. i can fold my thunb into the bottom of my pinky palm side, then bend it back to my wrist. it doesn't affect my game though.

  6. there is no such thing as double-jointed   look it up

  7. i can just bend mine really weird

  8. i have a double jointed big toe. it bends completely the wrong way. i can stretch it right back to the top of my foot.

  9. we have a double jointed bank account,so the wife doesnt have to pull the fingers back ,or arm up my back

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