
How many of you have had personal experiences with the paranormal, ghosts, or ESP?

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I'm writing a book called "The Paranormal World: The Biblical Response to the Supernatural" in which I share my own unfortunate experiences with the "supernatural", and also insight on what the Bible has to say about them, and how Christians should deal with the issue. You don't have to be Christian to contribute to the book, nor am I here to start a debate. Just for research. I'm covering just about everything - "ghosts", ESP, psychic abilities, Yoga/transcendental meditation, witchcraft, UFOs, The Spirit of Fear, The False Spirit, and Marian apparitions. If anyone has any experiences you wouldn't mind sharing to be including in the book, post them here or email them to me

Also, if there are any Questions, I will include them in the book as well, and email you/respond here with answers if you'd like.




  1. Did you not ask this same question in the religious and spirituality section. I replied there. Seems the replies in this category was more active anyway. Only found out about this category today. Very nice.

  2. I run a paranormal group in Daytona Beach, Florida, our website is

    I can honestly say that myself, the co-owner of the business and our team of investigators have all experienced paranormal occurences. We even have documented proof of these experiences. (IE photos, evps, videos, EMF readings, temperature readings, logs, ect)

    If you take a look at my site, we have quite a few of the photos posted on the site and soon we will be putting the EVPs and videos on as well. It is something worth taking a look at and if you enjoy it, be sure to join the group. I would be more than willing to go over some of our experiences with you both personal and from the ghost tour. If you are interested, simply email me back at or contact me via my website.

    Happy Hauntings,

    Sara Wright

  3. Hello Pastor, There have been alot of things going on in our family from Ghosts to seeing a Flying Saucer(I think it wanted to abduct us) to Exploding Ouija Boards,to spirit tables that moved on it's own. with someone on it to boot! From smoke and fire billowing out of things only to find it wasn't anything at all.Figures without feet, Things left behind that never could have been, Oh, we have just a ball of fun! e-mail me if you want details. Bye

  4. I feel almost everyone has some sort of psychic ability. They just don't know how or are afraid to do so.As for UFOs, they are not supernatural, they are physical, otherwise they would not show up on radar.

  5. i have a lot of gifts e-mail me to find out more

  6. Hey Toastette, is caterpillar stock (CAT) going to continue going up?

    Sorry, couldn't resist!  :-)

  7. As a Christian myself, the one of my most supernatural experiences was being filled with the holy spirit, but this is not exactly what your looking for. There are only a few experiences with spirits/ghosts/demons that I can't explain as Sleep paralysis hallucinations or just my own imagination. They fall under the category of Shadow Men. In the house I grew up in I would see one on occasion walking down hallways. One time it saw me and reacted and disappeared. It looked like a man, but all black and featureless. It was broad daylight, and I was wide awake, not even in my bedroom. It was only in that house, Ive never seen anything like it elsewhere. If I wasnt a kid, scared out of my wits I would have tried to photograph it. Oh, we were the second owners of the house, noone died in it or anything. No history of deaths anywhere nearby. In fact, the people who built the house and lived there were still alive even. I don't believe it had been human. Either a real good illusion, or something else. Maybe an angel, my money is on demon though.

  8. i have the gift of knowing something before it happens.  i believe it is meant for me to know in order to warn others and to pray for them.  i have had many experiences in that regard.

  9. I think I did, I still don't know for sure what happened...

    But I work for someone who has contact with the death people.  They sort of tell her things...

  10. My name is Deb and  I am a member of the Trails End Paranormal Society. I am a part of a team that explores subject matter of the Paranormal, in an attempt to collect and investigate evidence and use applied knowledge to benefit both the physical and spiritual aspects of the Paranormal. And, as aptly put by a dear friend, I sometimes am also called on to be a Missionary to the Departed. I'm sure your experiences differ from mine, but I know it's always nice to have access to good information backed by solid data. So, if you feel that we can be of help to you or someone you know, I'd be happy to give you our card.

    Trails End Paranormal Society-Pioneering a New Dimension.

  11. I  lived in a huanted house for 7 years.In Watertown,Wis. Things would happen like things moving around or dissapering. The feeling of someone watching you. You turn and see a shadow go out of sight. The lights would go on with out being pluged in.The T.V. would do the same.Things that did dissaper would show up months latter right where you would have left them.Once my Brother In Law was baby sitting, and he heard someone come home and he looked no one was there. My 3-4 year old son had very bad times, he would say shhhhuuuuus do you hear him, hes walking hes got a long black dress, so then my husband belived me. And he move him into our bedroom.And that was the first house we had.   I  was Divorced by then. And  there we all lived in a huge house In Jefferson wis. As a big family 3 Sisters and me with all there kids, we took the basement for privacy and agine noises and and shadows my boys would not sleep there till i got home. Upstaries was just as bad. My sister kids were terrifiyed, the same as my sisters and Companie. more things went on in side my houses than just can be exsplained away.

           I have along with 2 sherrifs and the County police, and the city police saw the same as I, my Cousin, and  our dates seen one night comeing home from a friends house ,under no drug or ahlcihol infulance. A UFO was ,hovering soundless just above the trees we had to be with in 20 yards because the police came over and asked us to plz move on it might not be safe, So as youngters we wouldnt do it we could hear them talking on the radios and after 10-20 mins.It lifted higher and headed down a major Hyw I-94, Just outside of Johnsons Creek wis. it was gray in color,  and had a set of 2  lights red,yellow and blueish.And it did not zoom off it followed the the Hwy. very slowly and the police followed.......And im sure im in for more strange things to happen to me or my family.

  12. Toastette.......

    Did you know you were going to get fat before it happened?

    Why didn't you try to stop it?

  13. This may sound weird and make me sound crazy but I'm a firm believe in aliens and UFOs. in fact i have seen 9 UFOs since i was 15 and I'm now 21. but lately i have had weird feelings again like i have been missing for periods of time and no1 has ever noticed i was gone. i have weird flashbacks that i don't understand . they have some Grey beings and sometimes there are reptilians and even some human men wearing all black there. I'm seem to be lying on a table of some kind with weird symbols on. after that i don't remember a thing except for being back in bed. i went missing for 2 hours last week but i don't recall going anywhere or doing anything. I'm no really scared as i think I'm going to be abducted again. i recently broke my nose after getting in a fight one night. i went to the hospital and when i asked the doctor if he could see anything odd or out of place up there he went silent. he put my nose back into place and sent me on my way. should i be concerned about this. if any1 can help explain wots happening to me please email me at

  14. Hello my name is Dustin.Contact:

    I have had many ESP and paranormal events. I believe, however, the government has been a part of this. I have some natural ability as a psychic, have dreams of the future, and can hear people talk of me when they speak my name.

    I believe my step dad was part of a Neo-n**i group that works within the US government. They tried to turn me into a MK Ultra type experiment except I was to be used as a super soldier type deal. I have been trying to live a normal life since I was able to walk.

    My psychic dealings have dealt with "alien" beings and their vehicles. I have confirmed these senses by hearing radio and television announcements of my sensing.

    I have recently solved the serial killings in Ispwhich England by sending an e-mail to them profiling their killer.

    I have one weird event with 2 white males who paralyzed me and injected something into me when I was ten years old.

    I have only one ghostly or paranormal demon experience at the age of 12 a demon sat upon my chest and tried to literally suck my soul out by placing her knees upon me. I fought her on 2 successive nights defeating her the second night. After that, she stopped attacking me in my sleep.

    Like I said my mother who is part cherokee is a psychic and i think some of it is in my dna, some is god inspired--i refer to god as the high intelligent one---, and some of it is related to the n**i scientist group my step dad belonged to.

    I am finishing my masters in accounting, consider myself sound of mind, and a christian. I also would like the world to know what has happened to me.

  15. I myself have had experiences and so have many members of my family. My eighteen year old sister was killed 5 years ago, and she appeared to my mother to reassure her that she was okay, and she also appeared to her on a couple of other occassions just to let her know that she was still with us.  Being a Christian who has had paranormal experiences I have a very unique belief--I believe that God is so vast and able to do anything that he tests our faith by showing us things that we claim cannot be possible. Who are we to place limitations on God? I believe that He knows the suffering we experience when we lose someone, so he allows us the opportunity to see that our loved ones live on even after death.

  16. hi friends. ive grew up with paranormal experiences, although frightening at first  get use to it although it took me many yrs to accept it ,i find it very facsinating but also frightening at times. i was  taking photos of family on  a xmas day to find  a figure of the grim  on it  only to get told  1 hour later my mother  was dying which she did

  17. I'm over 3 score year's, and my 4 year old body left, and my twin brother is there, in what you would call paranormal.  I've had lottsa experience's of future, in dream's which all came to happen, and I would gladly share all of them, were it possible, but only one or two more line's.  I dreampt of the wto-of jfk of an event that hasn't happened the burning of SF, and I had every dream except the last happen.  Paranormal is future, the world we live in is just a minute start to a universe of infinity.

  18. I've had a spirit of a little girl who died at the mansion that I was investigating appear to me while I was sleeping there one night... This same girl had appeared to another person as well but it was not on the same night.  If you would like more detail my email address is:

  19. Your book sounds very interisting!

    I have had some very unusual circumstances happen in my life that are considered paranormal.  From an entity that was in my home as a small child that was most likely channeled through an Ouija Board, a ransacked room, disenbodied voices...all of that by the age of six or seven.  In fact, my aunt had come to town and we were not at home. She entered to wait. As she come through past my room she had a very unsetteled feeling. She ended up leaving. She then told my mother. When she returned she went into my room and looked around. She was led to the closet that housed all of the families games. She immediately saw the Ouija.... She knew that was what it must be. It was taken out to be burned. A fire started and it was not burning.  After adding lighter fluid,  by then the fire was intense, it still would not burn.  My Aunt, being a very devout Pentecost (my Grandfather a preacher and her husband was as well..) She then began praying... After what seemed like an eternity, it just shot up into flames instantly and was gone. I did not know of this occurance until much later in life.  There were many things leading upto this... I kept feeling hands on me, on my legs or back.. I'd hear someone call for me, no one there! Once, the scarriest was when I entered my room and it was- RANSACKED- the desk overturned papers scattered and an old BROKEN type writer had a message typed that was making an evil remark about my brother!  I ran out to my Mom, who was outside in our garage with my Dad and Brother playing ping pong.  I urged her to come in... As we came up the side to enter, I saw the light was now OUT! I left fast and it was ON ! We entered and everything was not the same, it was no longer in disarray! I was  so freaked out! I was only six then. I still recall how frightened I was!

    The only thing I can account for this all occuring is the entity from the Ouija Board, see, I had "played" with it not knowing what it was a short while before all of this happened!

    I will never toy with one again, I had another scarry incident at the age of 13 with friends and since decided- never again!

    I know that there is a realm that is not of this world and not of God within these divinationing objects!

    I also have haunted house stories and other odd accounts. I could e-mail  you... Long stories!

    I do know that there is a realm that most do not understand. I now am back in church and have been very blessed to not be going through evil or sinister hauntings or such. I feel protected , as before, I did not!

    I know to pray to God and rebuke any evil, or say "satan, get behind thee"!

    I have always had an uncanny ability to know things beforehand. Simple things like think of someone I have not heard of in ages and they call. I think of things and they happen, etc... ESP,  I suppose?

    I could write all night. I do have some interisting true accounts that are not the usual just hearing foot step stories ( though I have heard those before at one old farm rental) !

    I wish you much luck with your book. I will plan to e-mail soon!

  20. Is it possible to be possessed by the devil? I've heard that the people who get possessed, start spitting out razors and knives (which materialize). Scary....

  21. i had the worst experience when i saw my mother in-low

  22. ive seen one before when i was a kid, a tall dark shadow accompanied by a blood chilling green glow. i closed my eyes, looked at the ceiling, looked right, and looked down to not see him, but i could still see him coming towards me. i was in bed with my dad next to me and he woke up cause of my moving-around-too-much. he would look at the doorway once in a while because of the creaking floor, but he could not see what i was seeing.  i was too scared to tell him what happened so i just kept quiet and cried.

    i had taken note of what my cousin told me a few years ago that his friend's uncle also saw a ghost accompanied by  the similar green glow that i have seen. i dont know but i think. this green glow is greatly associated with demonic entities.

    also, my cousin, back in the philippines, hes now 23. when he was a child, he saw a round smiling demonic face in mid-air. he closed his eyes, tried to look away, but he still could see it just like what i did. the whole household woke up because of his crying; he kept pointing towards the face, but no one was able to see it. i believe these two are non-coincidental because from america to the philippines, the experiences of others share a common thing.

    (im having goosebumps atm, just remembering what i saw)

  23. Being a paranormal investigator, I have had some experiences with the paranormal.  Not major ones, but ones you don't forget too easily.

    One night I did an investigation of a cemetery near an abandoned church, and kept hearing voices whispering.  I had to ask others in my group to be quiet, and when they did, I still heard them.   That same night we heard drumming, but it was too late to be any high school bands practicing, and the beats sounded more like a measure than a rhythm.

    Another time I did an investigation in my home, on my birthday, and actually caught an EVP of the resident spirit wishing me a happy birthday.

    I have had an OBE (Out-of-Body-Experience) one evening while sitting at the computer, in a chat room through a paranormal site no less.

    Some days when I take a nap in the afternoon, I might hear voices speaking right as I'm drifting off, or else waking up.

    I have had small bursts of ESP now and then.  Sometimes I can tell something is about to happen either in the immediate future, or within a few days.  I might get a very brief vision, usually lasting no more than a second.

  24. I have met a few of these people in my life which appeared to be mechanical or artificial.At least once they used a dead person to make it appear as if she was alive or a zombie.She was arrested for loitering and a few days later found dead in her cell. They seem to have a twisted sense of humor that isn't always shared with us or the living. (Week-end at Bernies wasn't real )The alleged ability of remote viewing is similar to what I would call the watchers and may very well be a false prophet or a type of false medium. Some events that I may seen on the news may actually be fabrications.Just because some events foreseen become true doesn't mean they "all" will. This to me is the grand illusion. These people have referred to religious prophecy and doctrine, as it has been told, is a "Program" Much the way we understand what may be Gods program for mankind and than on the contrary... Satan's. Either way I'm still scratching my head wondering who is who or if they are all the same people anyway.

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