
How many of you have had your debit/credit card numbers stolen?

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Someone cleared out my checking account and part of my savings to buy lots of internet p**n memberships. Now I am trying to fight to get all my money back. b******s.




  1. Ouch. Keep fighting, it is not your fault and although banks will generally make you sweat to get your own money back, they are liable for the stolen cash and they will have to reimburse you in the end.

    I had my credit card details stolen online a few years ago, in the days when people didn't know so much about antivirus protection. Luckily it was just a spotty little geek in Canada (I lived in the UK in those days) who used my credit card to buy --- have a guess --- guides on how to pass exams. I guess he was better at hacking computers than he was at school, lol. Anyway the credit card company reimbursed me without even arguing as it was clearly a case of fraud - I have still never even been to Canada!

  2. ugh im sorry.

    i havent yet. but my store was robbed.. and the d-bag sold all my stuff on the streets.

    good luck!

  3. I really hope not.

    Sorry that happened to you.

    Keep a eye on your bank and credit card statements people.  

  4. that's why I never buy anything on line.

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