
How many of you have met a feminist in real life?

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Some seem to know about them so much, even the kind of relationships they have (or not have), the way they dress, their preferences, the way they live their lives etc... So much "wisdom" about I ask you all, how many of you have met a feminist in real life?




  1. Me although I admit once I realised what I had at hands I spent my time with the non feminist women.

  2. I have. I am surrounded by them at times. They do not know that I am not a feminist. People assume that because I am a strong, outspoken woman that I must be a feminist....little do they know....I inherited my strength, and nothing was handed to me.

  3. I have met many, both male and female.  Many don't even realize they are feminists, rather they understand the need for equality in terms of vast changes in social policy.

    I have to say the majority of feminists are amazing people and I feel that it is a privilege to know such amazing people.  That would include yourself Ms.Flyinghorse.

  4. I was a women's studies minor but not many people identified as feminists even then-college kids in the late 1970's at midwestern universities were not the most political bunch of people I had met-that's for sure.

    I got involved in NOW in the 1980's after watching Jesse Helms get re-elected - I later became the chapter media person and later the President of the chapter. I met every other week with a dozen feminists and the majority were straight; married; with kids. They ranged in age from 20-70. They were chemists; social workers; lawyers; college students; physical therapists; school teachers; computer programmers; drafters; and other radicals of society..

    I organized Take Back the Night marches; organized state and regional NOW conferences and met hundreds of feminists; I attended state NOW meetings and met with the chapter presidents and the state board; and I met hundreds of feminists at NOW national conferences. Did I meet some crazy women-of course-there were a couple. Did I meet any radicals-sorry to say-can't say I have-not in my state and not at the national conferences.

    I met literally thousands of feminists at NOW marches on washington for choice/reproduction/poor/g*y rights/workers rights - you name a huge march in Washington that NOW organized or helped sponsor and I was on a bus with dozens of folks from around the state to attend. Feminists would bring their children; husbands and wives; parents; friends; grandparents and grandchildren to marches and demonstrations. I also attended anti-Klan marches with NOW members; picketed with union workers; attended NOW women's history events; attended local g*y rights marches with NOW members; organized international women's days events; went with NOW members and talked with legislators about numerous crazy bills; lobbied for decent bills and worked with other NOW members across the state to make marital rape illegal in my state (it was still legal until 1993).

    I didn't meet many lesbians or bisexuals in NOW-most were closeted of the ones I knew-they were afraid of losing their jobs (the state I live in does not have an anti-discrimination clause for employment for sexual orientation; so your employer can fire you for being g*y or being perceived to be g*y). Most of the feminists I knew and still know are middle -class but some are not. Quite a few are white-but definitely not all. Most are still married and have kids and just want their kids to have the opportunities they didn't.

  5. Feminists do not wear signs saying that they are card-carrying feminists.

  6. Sure, I've met them; they're all over the place.

  7. Every woman I ask, denies it and says it’s not for them

    And I’m a DJ, meeting people goes with the job

    I don’t know if its shame or if they are not interested in the whole thing

    I went to the park, to work out at 6am and was chatted up by a woman walking her dog, I took the opportunity to ask her, (I find I ask everyone now) and she acted horrified

    I don’t ever find anyone who is proud of the idea!!

    Why? I don’t know!!

  8. of course, i know a full on radical feminist, she has politically active friends and punishes men in many ways including encouraging women to make false allegations of abuse in divorce settlements

    most feminists are idealists who do not understand real feminism, its goals, its wickedness. and you know what? radical feminists despise and sneer at their naive liberal counterparts, they despise you too, for your weakness, they see being nice as weak you see.

    the problem we have here is the messages that are being sent to the masses by these evil people, bit by bit they are turning white into black, just like hitler did. they are manipulating us through colleges and the media, releasing false stats, re. dv, rape and wage gap in order to keep women feeling victimized afraid vindictive and angry.

    in answer to your question, i have met the real thing alright and ill tell you what, the antis on here are correct, we are reading this thing accurately.

    feminism is NOT defined by fluffy liberals here on this board, it is defined by mentally and emotionally unwell hate mongers who seek vengeance through political action.

  9. Feminists are usually stand out from the crowd.... There are some surefire giveaways:

    -short hair or a buzzcut

    -angry scowl


    -facial hair

    -that unwashed look

    -no make up

    -vulgar tshirts and of course...


    But some are cleverly disguised as normal people and that is what makes them so dangerous!

    To answer your question, yes, I have met tons of them and they all look almost identical...

  10. I've had several university professors who were radical feminists, one of my aunties is a self-professed feminist, some of my friends would call themselves feminists as well...

    And, no, I'm still not one. Nor will I be.

  11. Share a story with ya. I was a bartender, we had this women that would come into the club 2 or 3 times a week. Guys would ask her to dance, and she would turn them down. She sat at the bar one time and after talking to her, I learned why. She hated men, but was straight and good looking. One night she got mad, and came got a drink from me and was really verbally hammering men in front of me.

    I sent her a drink a bit later, and she looked up at me as to ask: "Who sent this drink?" At which point I pointed to a pair of D batteries I had placed on the bar.

    She did not find it funny.....but everyone at the bar did. We didn't see her much after that. =)


  12. I'm the only one in my family who's not feminist. And when I was young, they (except my very wise parents) tried to feed me BS about how men are more violent, how women are better because they work, they can cook and nurture children, how men depend on them for life for food, blah, blah, blah.

    And when I try and talk to the girls in my class about this, the topic changes to the sunshine, Germany's brilliant team (they can't even pronounce Bastian Schweinsteiger) and so on. Unlike doodlebugjim's case, they don't only hate my guts, but they don't have the guts to say that they hate my guts.

  13. I met a lot of feminist ,most of my friends are feminist, they are just women who help the oppressed women in our society. They think they are better than men.

  14. Actually, your question should have been:  "how many of you have met a feminist in real life away from a college campus?"  Remember your audience.  

    And I have.  There are many among my peers, but absolutely no radicals.  In fact, none of us have ever seen or known a dreaded radical feminist.  We're women who have grown up with feminism, rejected the radicals, adopted whatever principles we believed in into our own lives and made them work.  It simply isn't the big deal in real life that the boneheads make it out to be.  Grownups don't discuss it, argue over it or worry about it.  And men certainly don't get hysterical about it like some of them here do.

  15. I have met and known plenty of all varieties. They usually hate my guts after about 3 minutes - I can't think why...

  16. Yep.  I've meet a good number of feminist in real life, and none of them are "nice people" like the feminists here claim.

  17. I have meet many different shades of Feminists

    I have only meet one who was obnoxiously feminist, the type who thinks men are the Devil and gears entire nonpolitical course curriculum (Intro to literature) into a feminism class

  18. I imagine everyone here has, unless you are a recluse, who only has contact with the outside world through his/her computer.

  19. I am a feminist, so I would say that yes, I have met one, myself!  =;o)

    However, I have a friend who has a degree in Womens Studies, if that's what you mean.  She's very good at holding her ground with men on any subject of which she has knowledge, but she's also very good at not shoving it down their throats.  She has acheived many things in her life by realizing that a woman may accomplish anything she sets her mind to do.

  20. My dear i head a mens organization and debates and confrontations take place with them regulary in india.

    Currently we are trying to get the Domestic violence Act made gender neutral.

    Interestingly though i have never interacted with a western feminist in real life but i happen to have quite a few of them as dear friends.

    Ironically i dont have a single indian feminist as a friend because their approcah and mindset is oceans apart from their western counterparts.

  21. 200

  22. Most of the girls I know would call themselves feminists if they felt comfortable with it. Besides myself, the only other feminists we know are the girls who host the two feminist shows at our station (one is spoken word, the other is music). I don't know much about the ones who host the spoken word show, but the one who hosts the music show has a reputation for being overly sensitive.

  23. No I haven't, I had never even heard of them until I came on here, but from the impression I'm getting they're bad.

    *Rainbow stop trolling, you're no feminist ;-D

  24. I meet one everytime I look in the mirror, because I am a feminist (and proud of it)!:) First of all, let me say that not all feminists live the same lifestyle or think the same way. I can only speak for myself and say that I'm 34, for starters. I'm also a casual dresser, because jeans are just so damned comfortable. (By the way, I also wear makeup and shave my legs and armpits, in case you're wondering.) I'm straight and I'm enjoying being single, though I was involved in a relationship for 3 1/2 years. I work two jobs and I'm happy with my independence.

  25. none

  26. There is a big difference between a feminist and a L*****n. A feminist believes in equal rights for women to men. I am old enough to remember the 60's even though I never took drugs. There were the bra burnings, the protests, and the demand for the Equal Rights Amendment. I even married a feminist. It has been a real challenge and the marriage has lasted 38 years so far and I hope to renew it for next year.

    Being a feminist or a believer in feminist rights has nothing to do with s*x. It is just being fair to others. To me it is the same as religious rights, speech rights, and all the rules of the Constitution.


  27. My aunt is a feminist.  She's the glue that holds that side of the family together.  I'll always be grateful to her for helping me help my mother adjust to life after her abusive marriage.  

    My mother also suffers from bi-polar dis-order and my aunt Pattie is the only one who ever lifted a finger to help me get my mother the care that she needed.  One of my ex-professors  is a feminist.  She's a very gifted, straight-forward woman. She always pushed to get the best out of me.  I didn't like it at the time.  But now I'm appreciative of the extra time she put into me.  My last three gfs have been feminist.  They were all very normal.  

    Ironically most the few misandrists I've run into or heard about were women who were supposedly of traditionalists mindset.

    I know an "old-fashioned" woman on the job who "requires" that any man she dates give her money for her bills.  I met yet another who suggests that men cannot cook and I know some more who say that all men are the same.  None of us are worth a ******. Yet these are women who make fun of feminist and  refer them as the "ones that are supposed to be so modern".   In truth I haven't met a rogue feminist yet in real life.

  28. I have met many feminists.

    One such woman is a teacher in the school where I studied.  When I was a kid, I remember she treating us like "s*x thirsty males" and creating a big barrier between us and the girls.  We were like 10 yrs at that time.  I remember a particular incident during the school anniversary where we all took part in various stage performence and she was guarding the girls like anything in the green room, as if they were all vulnerable to be raped by us (may be because it was night, as boys and girls sat together in the same class during the day).

    Her husband committed suicide, people say because he couldnt bear the life with her anymore.  She is still a teacher and lives her happy life.

    She fits all descriptions of a typical dry pufsy feminist.  Bodily and mentally.

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