
How many of you have played Zelda: Ocarina of Time?

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What did you think of it? I used to play it when I was a kid but I haven't played it since, and I was thinking of getting an old used 64 off eBay or something because I've been wanting to play it again for awhile.




  1. Its amazing, still great when you come back to it 7 years later. I suggest buying it from your local gamestore though. eBay has around $5 shipping and handling, where you can buy a used copy at a gamestore for a $1 (Most 2 Gens ago console games are a $1)

  2. You should get it on Gamecube it's got much better controls I have it on N64 and Gamecube and find the GC version looks crisper, is easier to control and doesn't hurt my left thumb :P

  3. i think it's pretty fun to play. it has been some time since i had played it myself. i like the graphics and everything in the game myself.

  4. Definitely one of the best Zelda games and one of the best games period. I have the collector's edition for Gamecube and have replayed it like 5 times. If you're thinking off getting it, you should probably buy a Gamecube and the collector's edition because an N64 is not as reliable now and the collector's edition has four games: both Zelda games from the N64 and the first two Zelda games from the NES, all of which are great games.

  5. i have, and its my favorite game. better than twilight princess IMO

  6. What do I think of it, I think its the best game of all time, in fact I downloaded it on the wii to play it all over again, actually you can download a few classic Zelda games on the wii, not to mention that its backwards compatible with the GameCube so you can play those Zelda titles  too, and also the wii version Twilight Princess which has a lot in common with Ocarina but has many improvements, not least in combat and horse riding, as well as obviously using the benefits of the wiimote such as swinging the remote to swing the sword or moving the remote to more accurately aim arrows.

  7. One of the best game out there and i went back to it after ages not that long ago still as good as any game  

  8. OMG I use to luv that game, I'm a huge Zelda fan & that was one of the best. Try Wind Waker too those 2 are the best. Game Stop is the best place to go for used games, I'v gone there a lot.  

  9. What a brilliant game. It was my favourite game ever up until Resident Evil 4 was released.

    You can get a Gamecube and buy a Zelda collectors edition which comes with that and Majora's Mask and a couple of the original 2D adventures.

    I last played it a few years ago on the gamecube. But very rarely do games be as emotional as that game. The characters, the storyline, going between the past and the future and seeing the different variations in locations over time....just phenomenal. By the end of the game I'd played for well over 20 hours, and didn't want it to end.

    It's sad, funny, wonderful...the music still gives you shivers when you hear it, it is so iconic.

    It's always great to replay it and cherish those memories again, so go get that Gamecube (very cheap now) and track down a copy of the collectors edition (can be difficult) and it will be worth it!!  

  10. go search for the collector's edition for the gamecube. it has ocarina of time, majora's mask, zelda 1 & 2 and a 20 minutes demo of windwaker. so if you have a gamecube or wii buy the collector's edition and a gamecube controller (if you haven't one already).

  11. Have Had Fun with it beating it about 20 Time and going thought it again!!

  12. OMG... I love that game. I still have it and play it all the time. I'm a huge Zelda fan since I was like 5 years old and I will stay a Zelda fan for the rest of my life. Go buy it on ebay or go to a game store that sells old game systems and games I go to those kinds of places if I wanna find a game that is old but sometimes they will have the game your looking for and sometimes they won't but keep looking or you can also go to a swamp meat (aka) flea market and you can find allot of games there too. Good luck finding it.

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