
How many of you have used fake id to buy alcohol while you were underaged?

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I'm 14, and I'm thinking of buying Fake ID so I can buy vodka, because right now I have to get it through a friend of a friend. I'm wondering if you have ever used it to buy alcohol, and whether it worked or not. And before you start lecturing me, I know I'm too young to drink alcohol, but I drink it in moderation. Plus, Im going through a tough time, and it makes me feel better. I'm well aware that it isn't the answer, but I'm not interested in a lecture. I just want to know how many of you have successfully used fake ID to buy alcohol.




  1. never really needed one.

    i guess my boyfriend has an older brother who would buy us beer. Besides, those gas station tenants know very well that the ID isn't yours anyway. And if you get caught with it, i don't think your parents would be very pleased.

    And for everyone else who has answered, and says they don't want to poison their body with alcohol, gimme a break.

    unless you are 11 or 12, everyone has drank alcohol before, whether they thought it would make them cooler or not. So give up the whole goody goody look.

    good luck.

  2. They do work.

    And i have one, but american owners are quite stupid.

  3. Nope..

    Never. What is the point of it? I see alcohol as a poison to my body... - i don't drink. Doesn't mean i haven't tasted.. It just isn't my thing so i wouldn't obviously do something that is obviously illegal.

    I like following rules, following structures.. If i would at least wanted to drink i would try to get it in another way - through friends or so..

    But nah, i don't do drink i don't do that stuff..

  4. Using a fake id is a bad idea. I never used one...but I used to card for it. It is obvious when you are lying on your fake id....especially at the age of 14. You shouldn't be drinking alcohol at your age's really bad for your liver....someone close to me died from it and its not quick and painless. But anyway...the cops usually know who is selling to minors and you could go to prison for using the id.

  5. dude no way keep getting it through friends if you're caught with those things you get like fraud and all that bull seriously just like keep doing what you're doing its not worth juvie

  6. I live in Ireland so I'm just across the water! I got a fake ID for an over 18s concert! Me and my friends left it a little too late to order one online so we got her dad to make us them (coz hes totally sound!) Anyway the ID looked shite was rubish! Got us into the concert and I used it almost every weekend everywhere for the next couple of years until I actually turned legal!!

    My advice would be for you to get one! Don't listen to the people telling you not to drink! You only live once and if it makes you have more fun go for it! And the fact you drink responciple is good!! Oh and I dunno if there is Tescos in england (stupid I know but ive never been there!) but im guessing there are, but they literally serve ANY1 as long as they have some sort of ID (even if obviously fake!!)

    Hope my answer helped =] Top answer?

  7. Don't use fake IDS, they might work at 17-20 but a fourteen-year-old walking up to a counter and trying to use an ID when they are too young for even a driver's license is painfully obvious. Continue to get it from a friend of a friend.


    Oh, you're in England? Yeah they're less strict over there with alcohol. It would probably work over in England.

  8. what we are supposed to use fake IDs, haha

    me and my sis just take it from my mom, and watter it down so it looks like none was taken!

    haha, we are bad.

  9. Are you crazy?

    If you drink VODKA it will rip your guts out. have you go any smallest idea how does voda effect your stomach, and that it can make you be unable to have kids when you grow up?

    If you are having a tough time, talk to your parents or someone at school, but please don't drink. It's not the way to get through things. It will make it even worse becasuse if you will get addicted (which is easy to do at 14) and will have no money you will fall into depression. If you get too drunk you can be raped and be pregnant, with baby born disabled...

    That's illegal, and I know that you asked not to lecture you, but this is all you are going to get from Y!A

  10. Never did - I had my first sip of alcohol at the age of 21. Now, I'm lucky to have one drink a year. I don't care for alcohol - I have no idea what all the hipe is about personally! It doesn't solve any problems - and actually, it causes only MORE problems. Trust me, I'm in the mental health field and I have seen what alcohol and drugs can do to people's minds. It can mess them up - and I mean permanently.

  11. yea if your 14 your just gonna get caught.

  12. You're 14 for Christ's sake. Do you want to be an alcoholic by the time you're twenty? I have never use a fake ID. I'm twenty and if I feel like having a cold beer on a hot day (I don't drink more than three at a time) I just walk into the store and buy it, I've never been given any hassle.

  13. It's kids like you that cause yob behaviour on MY streets,

    and it's kids like you who tried to push my brother infront of a lorry because he wouldn't hand over his wallet because they were drunk and trying to be "cool".

    if you are 14 i doubt you will even look old enough to even pass off a fake i.d, if you're going through a hard time you shouldn't turn to alcohol, its a DEPRESSANT, it won't make you feel better.

    good luck when you're lying in a ditch dead somewhere from being raped whilst paraletic...

    you need to seek help before you end up another tragic story on the news.

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