
How many of you here passed their driving test on the first attempt?

by  |  earlier

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If so, did you find it easy or difficult?




  1. i bought my license for 500 pound, so you could say i passed on first attempt

  2. Yes first time.

    It was easy.  It took about 5 minutes.

    good luck...

  3. i passed my test first time 13 years ago and i found it easy, but alot of changes as been made since then to the test to make it harder and i dont think i would fancy taking it now!

  4. I did, was easy enough I suppose.

  5. I passed mine on the first try.

  6. Motorcycle - first time.

    Car - first time

    H.G.V. - first time.

  7. you're up late, who are you?

    i passed on my 2nd attempt but inbetween swapped from manual to automatic driving and also didnt turn up for 2 tests due to nerves

  8. yeah i passed fine, i lost a point becuase when i did a 3 point turn the woman could hear the power steering pump struggling because i was 'dry steering' i don't dry steer, and what really annoyed me was the car didn't have power steering!! dunno what she was on.. she was hearing things..  

  9. The first time. I had been driving farm equipment since I was 12 or 13. I had driving down pat by the time I went for my test at 18.

  10. like most of miami's drivers (unfortunately) i passed on my first attempt. it cost me nothing but my learner's permitwhich had been 15 bucks the year before.

  11. first time for me,i thought id failed so just carried on without any nerves,couldnt believe it when i passed.

    also p.s.v first time as well.

  12. I passed my test first time and found it quite easy. Even if you make a mistake,as I did, don't let it spoil the rest of the test.

    An examiner will give you extra marks if you do make a mistake and you correct it. That is what driving is all about.

  13. No I made too many mistakes the first time.  I passed second time around.


  14. Yeah I passed my car test first time - like NL concorde - had no power steering in those days so the manoeuvres were hard work! Took it in a town where the test centre was (and still is) in a row of shops so no bay parking!!

    Passed my Coach test first time after 3.5 days training - very scarey - don't think I felt at ALL ready for that!

    Passed ADI part 2 and 3 first time but failed part 1 once on hazard perception which was strange really as I had been driving for around 9.5 years without an accident, and 4 of those I had been driving buses and coaches 6 days a week and had no accidents - but I obviously - according to the DSA's exam - couldn't perceive hazards!!!??

  15. I passed the first time.  It wasn't that hard but my nerves got in the way.  If you're good at the parking the rest is really easy.

  16. I passed 1st time and found it nerve rackingly simple

  17. I clipped the kerb, stalled and went the wrong way and still passed first time.

    My friend is the best driver I know, yet she had to take her test 5 times. The reason for me passing and her not is confidence. I carried on as if nothing had happened and drove the rest fine. She went to jelly even before she sat down. Confidence is half the battle.

    I am a much better driver now, but I wouldn't like to take my test these days!

  18. It took me ages to get the grip of driving, particularly the maneuvers, which i felt held me back. The test was really nerve racking, just the last couple of days coming up to the test and the actual test day was the worst of it all, but i overcame this and passed. I thought it was really easy.

    Don't rush anything and just stay calm.

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