
How many of you just knew you were having one gender? Did baby end up being what you thought or different?

by  |  earlier

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on my last question i mentioned i thought im having a girl and a few people responded and said they thought the same thing and they had a boy! It doesnt matter either way. Just interested to see how it turns out :)




  1. With both of my pregnancies I had a feeling that I was having a boy and both times I was right.

  2. i was hoping for a boy with my first, but i kinda knew shed be a girl (glad it turned out this way!). this time im so positive its a boy, but i kimda want another girl (didn't have a preference at first but I'm leaning towards wanting a girl now, either way I'm excited!) I'm only 13 weeks so i don't know what I'm having yet

  3. with both pregnancies i had very high hopes of them being boys...i now have 2 girls lol

  4. When I was pregnant with my first son I knew I was havin a boy but the doc told me it was a girl n kept tellin me that so I had a girl baby shower. N gave birth to a boy. I should of went with my motherly instints.

  5. Well, my fiance was so confident that we were having a girl. He told everyone that it was a girl before we really knew. I was not worried about the s*x of the baby, only if he/she was healthy. Well when I got my 5 months ultrasound we found out we were having a boy!. He was excited...that he was having a lil colin (my fiance name) running I was excited also to find out we were having a boy, but either way boy or girl...all i wanted was a perfectly healthy baby.

  6. my husband was convinced we were having a girl (he even told my inlaws to buy girl things) but :) it's a boy !

  7. I knew absolutley what I was having with all three of mine.The first was definatley a boy. With the second, the sonographers were telling me the baby was a boy, but I KNEW that she was a girl and she was!

    But with my third, I was convinced she was a boy and was so wrong...!

  8. I had my hopes on having a boy with my last two pregnancies, but I knew deep down in my heart that I was going to have girls. It seems that the people in my husband's side of the family are only able to have girls.  

  9. I was told I was having a girl at my scan and I had a girl.

    Its quite rare to be told you are having one s*x and end up having another.

    However, if you 'feel like' you are having one particular s*x, that very often turns out to be wrong!!!

    When I first got pregnant I was convinced it was a boy, then I had a couple of dreams about leaving my baby in a supermarket and both times it was a baby girl...... weird huh?!

  10. thought boy with first....had a boy

    pregnant with our 2nd baby (33 weeks), thought i was having a boy....had 3D's another boy!!

    we are over the moon!!.....but it would not have mattered boy or girl, we still would be over the moon!!!    

  11. Ok this is an interesting one, and i think sometimes its just that 'mother intstinct' that lets us know :)

    first pregnancy i had no idea whatsoever! but i had  cruisy pregnancy, fantstic hair and skin, i just felt generlly well. I had a girl.

    second pregnancy i knew from day dot it was a boy. i just knew. then as pregnancy progressed i got sick, bad acne, felt depressed, and awful! and yes i had a boy.

    im on third time around i feel like absolute c**p. i reckon its another boy.

    Also, my last two births were premature. baby 1 at 34 weeks and baby 2 at 31 weeks. I just knew both times they would be prem. its that same gut feeling that told me the gender. i know it sounds airy fairy and a bit silly, but i do think us mums just 'know' sometimes.

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