
How many of you knew who Sarah Palin was before today?

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Regardless of party affiliation, did you honestly know who she was?




  1. did you know who barack hussein obama was a year ago probably not he is a radical racist pig

  2. She was on McCain's list right after he was presumptive. It's not big news, and it was probably even a Yahoo! top 4 story.

    Think outside the box.... even tho it's old and stale like all the liberals want to depict McCain.

    She does rock!

  3. Yup, I've been listening to the national talk shows like Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and others, And they've all been talking about her for several months.  Glenn Beck has done several interview's with her,  And After All I've heard her say,  I think she is fantastic.

    I think McCain hit a home run with her.

    First of all, It's a slap in the face to the democrats and hillary in paticular.  Obama didn't choose Hillary, Which was a huge mistake.

    Hillary has far more experience than Obama does.  Plus she is a woman, which means you would have had the most unstoppable ticket.

    Unfortunatley, there are people voting for obama who have no other reason for voting for him other than his skin color, and the fact that, that is a novelity.  And it would have added to the novelity to have hillary.  

    There are a lot of voters in the democratic party that are mad as heck that hillary was not chosen as the presidential nominee, let alone, not even being looked at for vice president.  

    And john McCain goes and picks a Woman.  

    First of all, Sarah Palin Is tuff.  She looks like a sweet little lady, but this girl knows how to handle a gun, She kills her own food, and guts it herself.  She has cleaned up corruption in her state, and faced down

    her opponents And won,  As a governer, she enjoys a 80percent approval rating.  That's incredible.  And she has more executive experience than Obama does.  She's fantastic.  If john McCain try's anything stupid, she'll kick his A**  

    Alaskan women are tuff.  You gotta be, to live in a place where the sun dont shine half the year.

    I think she ought to challange Obama to a game of one on one basketball for the white house.  She'd kick his A**.

    I love her, I think she would make a fantastic leader.

  4. No clue, but I do now and I like her resume.  

    Honestly, why does that matter?  Perhaps the fact that she's a relatively unknown will generate interest enough that people will actually research the candidate's issues instead of relying on simple name recognition ... the Achilles heal of the democratic process.

  5. How many really know alot of these people in different parts of the country  that have positions in state and government ? She could have gone many years without anyone except the people up in her area of the world knowing how good she really is. It concerns me that McCain waited until the last moment to bring her out. She to me is like a diamond in the ruff, just needing some work to be done to make her ready to take over and run for a big job. There really isn't that much time to prove herself, as someone who would be able to run our country. McCain has made his last effort to get the office of President of the United States, when that doesn't happen Sarah Palin will be looked upon as where the problem was for him not making it..  

  6. I read an article about her on yahoo that said had that kid in april and was back in the government office 3 days later.

    I thought that it a stupid move because it shows that her job was more important than bonding with her kid. I don't think it said anything about the child having down syndrome  back then though. I wonder if John Mccain was thinking about her spending time with the kid when he picked up to be VP...I guess he doesn't care?  Hopefully won't win...

  7. I did. I watched the governors convention.

  8. I did due to her telling Congress to stuff $223 million for The Bridge to Nowhere. How many politicians in this country would do that? You can probably count 'em on one hand.

  9. Yes.  I would have preferred Romney but I have to admit that McCain made a very good choice that may make getting elected a little easier.

  10. No, but I didn't know who Obama is until he entered the Presidential race.  I didn't know that Biden and Clinton support Obama over McCain until this week.

  11. i hadn't heard of her but I honestly don't know alot of many other states governors...

    the fact that i didn't now who she was is not why I think she is a horrible pick for VP...

    it has everything to do with her politics.

  12. Nope.

    But she WAS in Vogue!!!

    Check it out.

  13. No but people also thought Obama was the black president from the TV series 24.

  14. Yes..She's actually been in the running for the VP slot for a while. The media has just been too infatuated with Obama to take notice.

  15. I have, You obviously don't watch the news. Obama thinks he for change. Sarah Palin is going to clean house. I can't wait for the debate between her and biden. I think she will tear him up!!

  16. Nope, heard her speak for the first time today.

    And in those few minutes of speech she gave MUCH MORE substance than I've heard from B.O. for the past several months!


    McCain/Palin '08

  17. Before today, yes, I did, but before her name first came up in VP speculation about a month or so ago, I had no idea.

  18. Palin's "...articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking..."

    AND CHANGE NOT another Lawyer!

  19. I did as she is one of the more qualified Republican women in politics today.

  20. I listen to talk radio and I knew about her months ago.  The whole McCain Palin campeign will be about drill her drill now pay less.  Palin is pro drilling

  21. She was a long shot pick a long time ago for me .... Obviously I stopped reading reports on her because I thought the McCain Campaign won't pick her but I guess I was wrong. Some people were describing her as this rising star in the party.

  22. No.  When backed in a corner even rats will try to find a way to win.

  23. 683,478 only Alaskans knew that hick

  24. I am sure 99% of America doesnt even know there's a politician called Sarah Palin until today.

    The funny thing is many Republicans are talking like they knew her for a lifetime.

    Lol. Hypocritical liars make me puke.

    Hey Republicans, is Obama popular or unpopular? Please make up your mind (if you are not insane LIke McCain).

  25. I knew as soon as she showed up in Ohio, because I Googled her before they shut down her site for restructuring. She is a great lady, and will make a wonderful VP. McCain is even smarter than I thought. Many people are beginning to see this now.

    By the way, who knew who Obama was before he decided to run?

  26. I did.. People who follow politics know whats going on.. People who just jump on the bandwagon during a presidential election probably didn't know her before........

  27. Palin admits she doesn't even know what a VP does.  SEE/HEAR HER IN HER OWN WORDS:

    (her V.P. comments are toward the end of the video)

    ...and she's under investigation for corruption like her mentor Ted Stevens whose endorsement she scrubbed from her website just this morning.

    ...and she called Hillary a "whiner."

  28. I did.  But that is because I knew she was the governor with the highest approval rate.  I love looking up stuff like that.  She is at 80%!  

  29. I did.  I saw her give an interview on Glenn Beck a couple of months ago over her battle with the federal government where she was trying to get access to oil reserves in Alaska.  They also talked about her anti-corruption record.  I really liked her at the time and mentioned to my wife that she would be a great VP pick, not seriously expecting she would ever have a shot in the world.  McCain scored points with me on this one.

  30. I did. Before today I didn't care what the outcome of the election was. Now I really want to see Palin win. I really like her.  

  31. i did, i knew she's been a possibility since april, but i take the time to keep myself informed - i don't just get my news from the headlines, mtv or the tonight show...

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