
How many of you know a kid named after Aaliyah?

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Aaliyah died Aug. 25th in a place crash and it'll be 7 YEARS since she's been gone. I have a niece named after her and was wondering if anyone knew kids named after her.




  1. I know people named aaliyah but not after's a pretty name =)

  2. my cousin is named aaliyah and above her bed there is a picture of aaliyah

  3. Well, i dont know kids named after her,b ut i know people of that name. They where name not b/c of her, but b/c the name is nice.

  4. Umm....who the h**l is Aaliyah?  And no, I don't know anybody with that name.

  5. I know someone named Aaliyah. But I don't know if she was named after her.

  6. ...hi there...yeah, my friend named her daughter after aaliyah...she's bouit 7 years old and even has aaliyahs lazy eye...hehe...

  7. Oh, my goodness, I cannot believe what the first responder posted. She really should not have said such a thing, I mean, she's passed on at such a young age and so early in her career. How dare she?! Just how much do you know about her?! I was away at the age of eleven and knew nothing of her, but still felt for her loved ones and fans. Have you ever heard of things being better off not said??

    Anyhow, I think it's absolutely wonderful was your sister did, and that is a gorgeous name, with a gorgeous definition to go along with it. This name suited the artist, and I'm sure it suits your niece. To respond to your inquiry - no, I do not know of any child named after Aaliyah, but then again, I don't know that many children. :^[ I wish you and your family all the best. :^]

  8. i don't know anyone with that name but i think its beautiful

  9. I will name my future daughter Aaliyah I been wanting to do so since 8 years now. I had a friend a while ago that i havent talked to in 10 years. I finally found her again and she told me she has a daughter and her name is Aaliyah. WHen she said that i just looked down and told her I know why....... and we both looked at each other in a sad way. It was a very touching moment.

    I wanna name my future daughter Aaliyah because first I  Love arab names BUT this particular name has a more special meaning, I love the Artist Aaliyah and can only pray that my daughter will have the beauty, the glowing character, wonderful personality and the heart that this name represents trough  Aaliyah the artist.  

  10. Nope but when i have a daughter or if i have a daughter , im gonna name her aaliyah. and to the rude people below me , thats pretty f'd up how yall can disrespect a person who is gone. i bet if someONE would have said elvis it would have been cool. stupid people. that dummie who said who the h**l is aaliyah should have been crashed in a plane accident

  11. My cousin named her daughter Aaliyah (shes 4) and I have a friend who named her daughter this too ... (dont know age)  

  12. nope. not like she was an amazing person. just a female r&b star

  13. i wanna name my future daughter that name in honor to aaliyah rest in peace bbygirl  

  14. I know of a few friends that have named their girls after her. I personally like the name.

  15. No, I don't know anyone named this, that is named after her but I still think it is an extremely pretty name.

  16. no, i don't know anyone.

  17. I don't mind people naming their babies after her since she died so tragically and didn't you know commit suicide or overdose or do something weak like that.  

  18. My God-daughter is named this but I don't think she was named after her, but it is a beautiful name!

  19. Wow. Has it been 7 years already?!

    My cousin named her daughter after her while she was still alive. She'll be 9 years old on Sept. 11th.  

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