
How many of you know how to pronounce Palin's (McCain's vp) name?

by Guest60602  |  earlier

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  1. pay-lynn

  2. it's pronounced M-I-L-F

  3. lol, I chuckled at the fact you had to put her position in parenthesis... just to remind us.

  4. paul-lynn

  5. I've been pronouncing it in the same way you pronounce Michael Palin.


    I'm guessing someone doesn't know this phonetic style. You don't pronounce the u, silly.'uh' represents a glottal. As far as the PAY goes...I'm willing to hear how SHE pronounces her name. Hmmm...I'm looking at how Alaskan news anchors say it...and it seems they say it exactly the same as Michael Palin does.

  6. pay-lynn.  Thank you for the two points.

  7. Everyone is PALIN in love with McCain.

  8. Pa-lyn.....with a long a.  That's exactly how SHE pronounces it.

  9. I think it's Pay-lynn, but I have heard Pal-in too, so now I'm confused.

    At any rate, I'm not embarrased -- she WAS an obscure political figure until  yesterday.

  10. She pronounces it "Payluhn", her accent softens the "i". Watch the referenced vid.

    I'm in the UK so haven't heard many American voices pronounce it, but I heard a Republican operative pronounce it "Paalin" on Friday.

  11. Pay'-lynn

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