
How many of you know of Doctor Who?

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How many of you know of Doctor Who?




  1. Me!

    I grew up watching the classic series on old VHS videos and reading the novelizations & I still love it!! I started watching the new series when it began in 2005 and I'm hooked on that now too! : )

  2. Me!  American here, old enough to have watched the show from the mid-60s but never did.  First time I ever watched it was in 2006, when Sci Fi was showing the revamped series with Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor and Billie Piper as his companion, Rose Tyler.  Since then, I've been hooked and even obsessed on all things Who, and I can't get enough.

    I'm also hooked on Torchwood and Sarah Jane Adventures and am slowly watching Doctor Who episodes from the 60s, 70s, and 80s.  Fantastic show.

  3. I do and I love that show. :)

  4. It is, as The Tenth Doctor would say, “Brilliant!”

  5. Doctor Who? I’ve never heard of it!! ;)

    lol see my name!

    Love it! Tom Baker is the best! Would you like a jelly baby?

  6. Yes, I do. [waves hand in air] Me, right here!

  7. I watched the series from the beginning with William Hartnell as Doctor Who .Then the second incarnation with Patrick Troughton, who reminded me of Moe from the Three Stooges. Then Jon Pertwee as the third Doctor Who.Followed by  Tom Baker, the fourth incarnation. Peter Davison best known for his roles as Tristan Farnon in the television version of James Herriot's All Creatures Great and Small and the fifth incarnation of the Doctor in Doctor Who, which he played from 1981 to 1984. The last one I watched regularly.

  8. I was never familiar with the original, but I'm a bigtime John Barrowman fan so I started watching when "The Empty Child" first aired in America. Now I'm a total Who addict and have crossed over to Torchwood as well.

    Love the show! How about that Series 4 finale?! Sad to see Donna go, but hooray for Rose's happy ending!!

  9. yep i do

  10. I loved the series from the 80's. I heard they did a remake of it but it didn't look all that great. I never bothered watching the remake.

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