
How many of you know that there's another horse section on Y!A?

by  |  earlier

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I'm looking through a lot of these questions, and I know there are a ton of people in the Horse section who would really help you out, since a lot of these questions aren't really about Horse Racing. If you want to check it out, click on the "Pets" category, then click "Horses."




  1. How many really care?  Not me.

  2. The problem is that most of these generic horse questions that come to the horse racing section are from people who don't frequent the horse racing category or maybe who don't really use Yahoo answers at all.  Those of us who use this catagory do know that there's another horse section... I've been there a few times... I'll read the category for a couple weeks at a time, but then I get bored with it due to the number of young girls who post questions and answers just to say "I love my horse."  So i leave the category for a while, but when I get board with the horse racing category and need something to fill my time I end up back at the horse section.

    For people who have just one horse question, they come online, and ask their single question... i don't think they recognize that their question belongs somewhere else... but your question isn't going to help them because they don't investigate first before asking their question.  There are some of us who direct those questions over to the horse category for better assistance but sometimes the question is simple and gets an adequate response here.  

    I like this category better just because there's fewer people who are always here... on the horse category, questions tend to end up with 20 answers ranging from the ignorant to the well-informed... then the ignorant answerers get all upset when you correct them and then they start thumbs-downing everything because they're mad.  We don't have that here.  There's a few of us who all know each other and we appreciate everyone's answers.  It's just a nicer environment here.

    I don't mind when a horse question ends up here... I ride and teach riding and I'm a racing fan... I can answer any kind of horse question, so when a horse question ends up here, I don't mind giving an answer despite it being asked in the wrong place.

    I think we're much more upset on this category about the "race" questions that end up here that are really about the political races and people are asking opinions about candidates in the races.  Those are the really stupid miscategorizations... horses and horse racing aren't that different... horse racing and politics are.

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