
How many of you let your cat sleep on the bed?

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I was just wondering about how many other cat owners let their cats snuggle up with them at night. I myself have no problem with i, infact my cat is curled up on my bed right now.I would love to know. Thanks for replying.




  1. i let my cat sleep on my bed all the time and he goes on the bed lays right next to me  

  2. My cat sleeps cuddled up in my arms.

  3. my cat sleeps in my bed every night <3

  4. well my kity does sleep in bed with me but only for awhile because i move alot ahaha after half an hour or so he gets down to sleep on the floor(if its hot) or in his bed when its cold!

  5. Nothing more soothing and warm, that quiet company at the end of the bed (or in the middle mostly with me, forcing me to sort of position myself around her!). That sudden eruption of purring to say "I'm still here". That shaking of the bed in the middle of the night you think "there's an earthquake" when she gets up to scratch and preen. And nothing, nothing like when you go to bed catless and you are drifting quietly to sleep and something heavy explodes onto the bed giving you a heart attack and snuggles up to your face and says hello..(I have a maine coon x large cat)

    I love a cat on my bed lol esp if I'm sick.

    Interesting fact-young women especcially who let their cats sleep on their bed actually move while they are in deep sleep to allow for the movements of the cat.

  6. I have 3 cats that sleep each and every night with me faithfully...they even understand when I tell them its bedtime they are snuggled up before I even get to the bed...Luckily I have a large

  7. a lot of cats like to sleep on the bed

  8. Our cat likes to sleep on our head or just above but still on the pillow. I find it comforting now, the sound of her purr helps me go to sleep :).

    (She is deflea'd and wormed regularily with REVOLUTION!)

  9. My roommates have 3 cats, all of whom currently have fleas. Until the flea problem is dealt with, the cats are banned from my room, but when their bug free I often share my bed with all of them. Makes for tight quarters...

  10. I have eight cats and all of them from one time to another have slept on my bed with me.  

  11. Always!!  I have 4 cats.  But my female is very possessive of me and will chase the others away from HER spot next to my head - or even off of the bed should they get to close to us.  :)

  12. I do, when hes in, but he has a really bad habit of waking at around 4, meowing and  tapping on my head, then when i wake up, he wants fed, so i have to wait for him to finish eating, then let him outside. All at 4 in the morning, so its quite a hassle when i do.

  13. Well, if my cat had fleas, no.

    But otherwise, I let mine!

  14. My 3 cats and 2 dogs all sleep in bed with me.

  15. i love it when my babies sleep on the bed with us! except when they wake up at 6 in the morning for food and then they end up scrapping on the bed whilst were asleep... but other than that... i love it when they sleep in the middle of us all purring and stuff, and when they cuddle up together :) cuteness.

  16. My cat Katie and her 5 month old baby sleeps with me EVERY nite. They even take over my bed sometimes. :-) I miss them sleeping with me when i am not home.....

  17. Let them sleep in bed with me?  I feel lucky that they let me sleep in bed with them.

    I have 6, the last sleep I got there were 3 on the bed.  It's a bit crowded and I seem to be the only one who has to adapt...I don't know why they seem to prefer my side of the bed.  But they're cute, so it's fine. One likes to steal my pillow and wake me up by kneading on my head.  It's pretty uncomfortable but I know he means well.

  18. My cats do that only when im sick, or sad. In a way they act like a dog, my neighbor used to say that they counter bad energy flows at your house. who knows , one thing is for sure , if they sleep with you no matter where you are and follow you they enjoy and love your company.

  19. yeh my cat sleeps with me , she kinda insists it lol. Crys at my door when she wants in or out.

  20. I had a kitten that slept on top of my head. We just got a cat a week ago and so far he sleeps under the bed (his choice). He is allowed on the bed. Maybe it is just a matter of time when he will enjoy sleeping on the bed with us..

  21. Mine snuggles on the bed for 10 minutes and gets a fuss then he goes elsewhere cos I flop around a lot when I sleep and he doesn't want to get clobbered.  

  22. i would love to let my cats snuggle up on the bed with me at night but i cant let them because my dad has an allergy to cats and the bed is a breeding ground for allergen. so until i move out the cat stays in its own room on its own bed.  

  23. My cat always sleeps in my bed :)

  24. ooooooooooo!!!!!! me me me i loooooove cats!!!!

  25. had two cats let them sleep in the bed with me. hated when they try to wake me up for food though.

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