
How many of you like Cena -n- Batista ?

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  1. I like both but I would say Cena he is the best

  2. batista suck cena 4life

  3. ME I LOVE THEM BOTH   why b/c john cena to me is the best wrestler eva n batista's getting there n b/c john cena is so hot!

  4. No i dont like them

  5. I am not looking forward to this match at all.  I hope  this little feud ends as quickly as possible.

  6. I like john cena.

  7. CENA DEAD SURE....................................... FROM ROBIN INDIA CHANDIGARH STATUS SINGLE

  8. I dislike Batista. Boring in matches that last more than ten minutes, only got to the top because of his body and his real-life friendship with HHH, actually thinks he knows more about wrestling than guys like AJ Styles. Cena's okay.

  9. no one...

  10. Im neutral on Cena. I respect all the work he does for his fans and charity.

    Batista on the other hands looks like he just came out a dark Ally with about 50 STD'S - no suprise there considering the amount of hookers he has slept with.

  11. *** clowns like  batista, but i respect john cena

  12. i dont like either 1 of em

  13. i like cena only.............................!

  14. I like them because there cute.  

  15. I like John Cena a lot, but not Batista.

  16. I dont

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