
How many of you married people really like your mother and father laws?

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  1. I'm not even married but I do have children by this guy and I can't stand his mom. The b went to the point of putting me and my kids out of her home at 3 in da morning b'c of an disagreement that me and her son had. So, from this day forward. I would speak to her and that about it. I feel like I don't have nothing interesting to say. Especially, since that day. Every time I see her that image always pop on my head. So, I say f the in laws!  

  2. My husband's parents are deceased and I've never met them however, his older sister seems to think that she needs to play the role of mom.  SHE is absolutely intolerable.  

    example - I started selling candles to see how that at home business would work and sent her an e-mail inviting her to my web page in hopes that she would purchase one or two.  She is a big user of scented candled.  She called my husband (instead of me) and began questioning him on the company, the scents, the amount of shipping fees, the fact that she would have to pay with a credit card over the net etc. . . remember this is a business and all information she was asking is right there on the site.  

    My husband finally handed me the phone and said here you answer the questions, I then answered the same questions that I my husband just answered.  After about 30 minutes of answering stupid question after question, I told her to forget about it if it was going to cause her that much grief.  

    So not sure about the in-laws but definitely NO on the in-law wanna be.

  3. Does tolerance count?

    I loved my mother in law, but my father in law is a bit out there sometimes.

  4. ok...i don't mind my father mother in-law...she tries to hard to keep the family united together. I've seen and heard her lie before just so that family member wouldn't get in trouble with another family member...Hypocrite she is...

  5. My first marriage, I had a MONSTER in law for a mother-in-law.  She was horrible.  The first time I met her, she was like "oh, hi".  Nothing to get to know me, nothing ever showed me she cared.

    She was the type to be very selfish ALL the time.  if it was not about her, she would make it that way.  She didn't decide to come to the wedding until 2 DAYS before we got married.  I was married to that for 5 years.  She was horrible.  Threw me into a wall after I told her to stop calling my husband stupid.  Piece of work (actually a piece of something else!)

    I got divorced b/c her son paid no attention to me.  Go figure.

    Re-married 3 weeks ago.  Wohoo.  My MIL is an ANGEL compared.  She loves her kids very much and is very very giving.  She wants to spend time with me, plan things, actually be a MOM.  I lost my mom almost 6 years ago... so having her now is a blessing.

    I LOVE MY MIL!  My FIL is passed and I never met him :(

  6. I do.

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