
How many of you married your first love?

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I got married pretty young, 19 to my first real boyfriend. I was wondering how many out there have done the same and whether or not you are still with that person? Did you ever feel like you made a wrong decision or got married too young?




  1. I married my first love and so did my husband.

    I was 21 and never had a boyfriend before when i met and started dating my husband.

    He was 25 when we started dating and i was his first girlfriend.

    We had been together 10 months when we got married and we have been happily married 17+yrs and neither 1 of us regret it or feel we got married to young.

    He was 26 and i was 22 when we got married.

  2. I got married to my, what I thought was true love, when I was 16. Had a baby at 17 and 19 and divorced at 20. How sad huh? Turns out, he wasn't my true love. I met him a few years ago and have missed him ever since. He'll always hold a special place in my heart. But as for regretting marrying so young, nah, I loved him, as much as a 16 yr old could, we couldn't make it work and now we're both much happier people for our kids.

  3. I married my high sweetheart at the age of 18. We are still married and we have two beautiful daughters. I would not change what I have done in a million years. He saved me and he is my best friend.  

  4. Yes. I got married to my first boyfriend two days after I turned 18. Two weeks later I was pregnant with our first kid. I still feel like it was way to fast, but I wouldnt change it.

    We are still together though we are going through a tough time.  

  5. I did marry my first love. Also divorced from her.

  6. Wow 19!  I got married at 23 and I thought that was too young!  But, yes he was and still is my first love.  Even though there were many boyfriends before him, I never really knew what love was until we met so I always call him my true, first love.  We are still married 5 years later.  I never thought I made the wrong decision but we both agreed that we got married too young.  It was hard at first.  Hang in there if your going through a tough time!

  7. I met my first love at 18. He was my first real relationship since I wasn't allowed to have a steady boyfriend until after I graduated High School. I dated a few but it was so short and never serious. My first everything, minus the first kiss since I kissed a man I dated for 2 months who I thought I had a thing for but it didn't click for me. It started out long distance, after 1 year I decided to drop everything that was going in my life to be with him since I realized that he was the one that I would spend the rest of my life with. Now at 27 we are married and have 2 beautiful children. I don't regret any of it. My first love and last.  

  8. I was 14 when I met my husband and now I'm 23 and I'm married him when I was 19 and I'm so happy with him and don't regret marrying him

  9. I married the first man I ever loved.  I met him when I was 15, got pregnant @ 17 and had our son @18 then got married a month later.  We now have 4 kids and have been together 17 years, married for almost 15.  Yes, I think we got married way, way too early.  We have had a very hard marriage.  It is still hard.  I wouldn't say it was a mistake to marry him, but definitely to marry and have kids so young.  I went from a mother to a husband and never had time on my own.  I love my kids and would never give them up or regret having them, I just wish we would have waited 5 years or more.

  10. me too, married at 19 and yes it was a mistake, a 19 year old doent know what real love is, AND we dont find out until later in life after much of lifes experience. My step mom told me on my wedding day, are you sure? she asked me, "women change from when they are 18 or so, to when they are 26 or 28 and she was right. I stayed married, unhappily, had a beautiful daughter , who is now 24, got divorced 12 yrs ago, and after many years of casual dating, i found "real love", when i was 38 yrs old, completely different . I know for sure, it'll last a life time.  I also believe, sadly, many people live , then die, never truly having experienced real love. My divorce had nothing to do with him, he was/is a good guy, and he didnt want to end marriage ,but for me, ...the "in love", the emotional love needed to hold marriage together was lacking for me.

    good luck to you.

  11. I married my first love and i don't regret it -we have no excess baggage!  

  12. I didn't and if I had I believe I would have made a mistake as I would have missed out on a lot of experiences with better people.  

  13. I got married at 18 to my high school sweetheart and we are still married 27 years.  We have 4 children and 3 grandchildren.  It was not the wrong decision, we were very truly in love, there is no doubt.  

    I wouldn't recommend to anyone getting married so early in life, however.  It is quite young.  I wouldn't change what we did, though.

  14. I never got a chance to propose to Farah.

  15. Did not marry first love...neither second, neither third...fourth...probably after that...You are very young to marry...hope you can keep it together. Take Care

  16. I did get married to my first love, we stayed married for about 10 years then divorced. Yes I do feel like I made the wrong decision but I can't change the past, just move on!

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