
How many of you out there have the last name JOHNSON or the first name CODY?

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cause aparently its like a really common name.





  1. Cody:    

    There are 99,113 people in the U.S. with the first name Cody.

    Statistically the 530th most popular first name.

    96.92 percent of people with the first name Cody are male.  


    There are 2,470,205 people in the U.S. with the last name Johnson.

    Statistically the 2nd most popular last name.

  2. As a Johnson I can tell you that "Johnson is extremely popular. In school I had 3 people in my class with the last name Johnson. Just for fun I went and looked for my name in the phone book and found that Johnson occupies 7 pages in the phone book and that was just for one area code. Imagine what it would look like if you put all the Johnson's in the world in a book.

    Cody, I can't really say that it's hugely popular in my area but I imagine that it's a fairly common name out there.


    There are 99,113 people in the U.S. with the first name Cody.

    Statistically the 530th most popular first name.

    There are 2,470,205 people in the U.S. with the last name Johnson.

    Statistically the 2nd most popular last name.

    There are 803 people in the U.S. named Cody Johnson.

    (Count me as one of the 2.4 million Johnsons.  LOL)

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