
How many of you people really understand the game of Basketball?

by Guest33650  |  earlier

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Some of your questions really make a person think you have no clue!




  1. Understanding basketball is a undefineable thing.  I guess it depends on what part of basketball you are talking about.  So much of it is up to personal opinion and that is where you got all the dumb questions from.

  2. I don't know much but I know more then you.

  3. i feel you on this one

  4. Maybe 10 % of the people here know what there talking about!!

    Just look at your answers?1 out of ten good ones proves that!

  5. I've seen some of your answers & lol. Wait a minute, maybe that was a different guy. Isn't there somebody else on here, that goes by James T Blows Kobe for a $1? lol

  6. 15players on teams? put the ball in the hoop(normally I dont no what team im on so I just randomly put it in the wrong hoop! :P)

    You put this Q in the basketball section so obviously people who like it will know about it(try Q+polls)

    Luckly I found it on the homepage♥

  7. I have no clue, I guess some people just have no IQs

  8. I would say that most bandwagon fans really know next to nothing about basketball, so that includes both the lakers, and celtics.

  9. i dont kno.  I guess not alot.  Like LBJ23 said some guy was mispelling peoples names and just saying non sense.  People are asking stupid questions like comparing people that are uncomparable and making stupid trades on the trade machine that would never happen in real life no matter what.  That was a good question, cause not alot of ppl do understand basketball.

  10. I feel you man. I know where you're coming from. Some guy asked earlier whether or not "Byron Davis" was traded to the "Clipers". Then there was the guy who asked us to explain the purpose of a SG and SF.

    They annoy the c**p out of me.

  11. I do - i played basketball for a good 12 years. i've given it up (a short white girl didn't really have a chance in h**l to get very far with it), but i still love to watch the game.

    GO CELTS!!!

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