
How many of you practice MARTIAL ARTS regularly?

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i am a philosophy honors student,i have 1:30 hour free in the morning,i am planning to learn wushu martial art,does it will be a right decision?

does wushu contains kicks etc,does it is useful?

martial artist advice me please,in how much years i will learn

does WUSHU is as benefical as Karate,Taekwando etc

there is no karate,taekwando class held near our home

should i go for wushu in the morning? advice me seriously




  1. Umm….. I practice regularly.

    The word “wushu” is a lot like saying “martial art”, so I can’t detect any specifics about the style you’re referencing. Since you are using the word Wushu and I have to guess, I’d say it’s Chinese, has a linage that reaches back to a little after the Chinese communist revolution and almost certainly has lots of acrobatics.  Like Alan K said- a lot will depend on your instructor. If you have a number of instructors available to you, meet with them and talk about what you’re looking for. I’m certain they’d be happy to discuss with you what they’re art is about.  It might prove beneficial for you to think about what it is you’re actually looking for before seeking them out. Are you looking for dexterity and acrobatic skill? Do you want to do well in martial tournaments? Do you want to be able to leave enemies broken and bloody on a battlefield? The process of defining your martial goals will almost certainly lead you to the arts you want to practice and the instructors you want to learn from.

    Good luck!

  2. Regardless of the type of martial art you practise, you will, if your instructor is good, become a better person through physical and mental discipline and training.

    The time of day is not important, your mind can practise at any time, your body just needs to practise regularly whether it is morning, afternoon or night.

    How much you learn will depend on your attitude, belief, perseverance, honesty and your instructor. Good luck.

  3. Wushu is what you will usually see in films. it is very acrobatic and including flips and jumps and stuff like that. there are many people that a good fighters after learning wushu but i think most of them are more performers than fighters. depending on the type of school you go to depends on how benifitial it will be to you. for example if you go to a school that is for competitions then usually youe abilities on the street will be limited, and i guess if you learn a martial art to help you with street fighing you wont be as good in a competition as you will be more willing to get hit if it means you get a greater advantage in the fight were as sport mean you will loose a point.

    If wushu is the only martial arts near you i would say join it, lots of martial artists dont join to learn to fight, they join because they enjoy  martial arts and they want to give it a go,

    you will get benifits like picking up some fighting abilities and i assume it will be a good physical work out

  4. I practice in the morning, 5 days a week. It's great exercise and a good cardio workout.

  5. i regularly do martial arts. tried a wide variety of them aswell. you cant judge one martial art as being better than the other. it will all depend on the instructer. if you go to a mcdojo then you will achieve nothing.  but if u have a good instructer then you will learn a lot and you will be able to apply it to the street(usually main reason for learning self defence). if the place has a good atmosphere and you think the instructer teaches for passion and not money then it should be a good place. also look at the standard of the other students.

    good luck  with it

  6. Nearly every day.

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