
How many of you really think that people who bash Hillary are True REPUBLICANS?

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How many of you really think that people who bash Hillary are True REPUBLICANS?




  1. Yes, they are true Republicans who don't have a program or policy that isn't a complete disaster.  So, the make the campaign personal.  It's easier, too.  Makes them feel superior.

  2. The Republican party existed before Hillary. There are a lot of Republicans that don't like here. There are also apparently a lot of Democrats and Independents that don't like her. Merely not liking someone doesn't include that person in a political party.

  3. No I think they are either republicans or MORONS who are intimidated by a strong WOMAN who is not afraid to stand her ground. They will be sorry when either 1. A war supporting anti women's rights jerk comes to office or 2. An incompetent, inexperienced idiot comes to office. Either way we will ALL have to pay for the mistakes of our fellow ignorant citizens. And if anyone has communist tendencies it is Obama not Hillary as he has not stated (as he never takes a real stand on anything) but implied his desire to work with Castro. How much more communist can you get than that.

  4. no.. we are just trying to re defeat communism. Hillary is a marxist

  5. Just You buddy

    YES WE CAN 08

  6. No because Clintoon and Bushes are in the same pockets. People who do not like Hilary are the same people who do not like Bush. Please lets stop this dual-monarchy!

  7. I'm not a republican, and I don't think I bash Hillary either.  I do find it amusing how she felt she is entitled to a presidency based on what she says is 35 years experience, when she only has Bill's experience "by proxy".

  8. you dont have to be a republican to bash hillary.

  9. I don't think that expressing one's doubt about the character or experience of a politician or candidate is bashing.  

    I think a lot of Democrats would object to being called "True Republicans" simply because they don't like what they see in her, and vote for Obama.

  10. Either republicans or Obama supporters

    " Yes we can"

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