
How many of you refer to your fathers by their first names? Why is it a problem if someone chooses not to use?

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Gods formal name in such a manner? God is my Father and why is it a problem if we Catholics choose to respect His name and His title?




  1. My boyfriend calls his dad by his first name.  They work together so it's highly unprofessional for him to call him dad in front of clients.

  2. Kinda long story, but my kids call me and their dad by our given names. The rest I can't help you with, as I'm an atheist :P

  3. It's always been my understanding that "Abba" translates into "Daddy," so I think Jesus, in teaching His disciples to call God "Abba," was teaching them to refer to God affectionately, as opposed to the traditional or more formal "Yahweh." I think Jesus wanted His followers to view His Father from both angles (i.e. His Majesty and His Love).

    Personally, if I had kids, I'd want them to call me by my first name--for the sake of my own humility, and to teach them not to regard anyone as "inferior" to themselves. I know this is an unpopular point of view among parents, but I'd feel very uncomfortable trying to "lord it over" them or "assert my superiority" by forcing them to call me by a fancy title. Even Mary, who is our mother moreso than our biological mothers, prefers to be addressed "Hail Mary," rather than "Hail Mother," as the following example illustrates:

    One Saturday, during a Mass in Our Lady's honor, Mechtilde exclaimed: "O most gracious Queen of Heaven, I would love to greet thee with the most pleasing salutation which has ever been addressed to thee!"

    At once Mary appeared to her with these words written on her Immaculate Heart in letters of gold: "HAIL MARY, FULL OF GRACE! THE LORD IS WITH THEE!" And she said to the Saint: "No creature has ever said anything that was more pleasing to me, nor will anyone ever be able to find or say to me anything that pleases me more."

    God bless!


  4. In the bible, Jesus always referred to God as His Father, never God.It is disrespectful to call any man 'Father'. I always called my 'dad' Dad. A priest should NOT be called father nor should the pope be called the holy father, that is disrespectful to God the Father. You catholics can respect His name, and you should, not your priests and popes, they are NOT the Father.Jesus was simply called a 'jew' because He was born in Jerusalem, not for any other reason.Jesus was NOT 'Jewish' by faith.

  5. My father's been dead for almost 50 years. I still refer to him as Dad.

    I always thought we were not to use the name of God. Hence everyone just calling Him God and not by any name.

    My God has no name that can be spoken.

  6. I don't think it is a problem Jesus died so that we could have a father relationship with God. That is why the new Testament does not use the name Jehovah for the Father.

    I hope this was what you were talking about apparently I am not smart enough to ask or answer questions here.....

  7. I don't take issue with God being called Father, I take issue with calling a priest "Father". I could call a priest "brother" as he would be a brother in Christ..But that's as far as I can go.

    Scripture tells us to call on His name. How will anyone know His name if no one will utter it? We call Him Father because we are in a personal relationship to Him, what about those who are not and don't even KNOW His actual name that sets Him apart from the false gods?

  8. I would never have called my Father by his name. That is disrespectful. I approve of the decision the Church has made.  

  9. Not using his name doesn't show a sign of respect, it shows a lack of respect and you are ignoring what the Bible says.  Oh I forgot, you catholics think you are so holy and answer to the Pope, who is teaching you all about a false Jesus.  

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