
How many of you retail managers actually call the employees previous jobs when hiring?

by  |  earlier

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I just want to know if the employers do actually call the employees to be previous employers. And what do you ask? Or do you just want to see if the person actually has experience even if they could be lieing and not call?




  1. I will only give dates of employment, to confirm that the employee actually worked for the company, and title/job.

    Many employers are no longer answering the question of "Would you rehire?" or "Would you recommend?" because they can be sued for defamation.

  2. My advice would be, don't ever list someone as a reference unless you...

    1) Have asked their permission first

    2) Are certain they will give a positive reference.

    Some companies have a 'policy' that they will only confirm you once worked there; most previous employers are pretty up-front about how you worked for them or with them.

    And yes, people DO check references -- for experience, for workplace suitability, attitude, teamplayer, etc.

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