
How many of you share your room with your baby?

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Me and my "boyfriend" share our room with out five month old baby, we're young, we live with my mom, brother and sister. I have a feeling when we move out someday, I'll miss having him sleep in our room, baby monitors don't count. I'm also afraid he'll get too used to sharing a room with us since there's no other room for him.

I'm just wondering how many of you share your room with your baby? Or a toddler. You would obviously love having him/her in your room but how does it get when they get older and still sleep in the room?

How do your decorate your room that will also make the baby happy? He loves my old room because the walls are dark-bright pink. My current room is light blue with a yellowish ceiling. I wanna put get glow in the dark stars, skulls(pirate kind/Misfits) and bats(like the batman signal but not batman), but I was wondering what other kinds of things would go good on our walls that he would like but not seem so baby-ish. Something that would make him intriged.




  1. i think the skull thing is baby listened to korn in my belly and he loves rock music now, have every right to wanna share your style with for sharing a room..i did with my 1st..i dont reccommend it..just because when they have their own room they are more independant..sharing a bed is a no no;s ok sometimes but the best thing is to have a nightly routine,like bathtime and bottle and then lay him down and let him fall asleep on his can rock him but only til he's sleepy..not asleep.sharing a room is fine if its the only option but try to let him fall asleep on his lay him down and then go to your bed and leave him his age he's really noticing colors like red,orange,bright just decorate his little section with anything that has bright patterns.a colorful clock is good..they like watching the hands tick..lava lamps babies loved them..

  2. Not such a great idea your child needs there own space just like you do. Let them sleep in there own bed because if you start this now they will never leave you alone when they get older.

  3. My daughter is 3 1/2 years old and my son is 3 months old.  My daughter has her own room but sleeps most of the time in our room (she has a little sleeper couch in our room).  My son still sleeps next to my bed.  We are fine with it.  My husband works graveyard a lot so my daughter sleeps in the "big" bed with me then.

  4. My daughter slept in the same room as my husband and I until she was almost 3.  She did have a bedroom of her own that she used to take naps in so once we did make the transition to sleeping in her room at night so it wasn't such a big deal.  I liked the fact that she was only a few feet away when she did sleep in our room.  She would sometimes fall out of the bed and I would hear and be able to pick her up immediatly.  It was also helpful during the breastfeeding months.  We never had any problems with her sleeping in our room.  I think it made things better.  I would hear her cry well and she was in easy reach.  When I have another child I will have them in my room for awhile also.

    I didn't really decorate my room to accomadate the baby.  My walls are grey.  She did have a mobile in her crib for awhile, but nothing else other than that.  Your baby will be more intriged with his mom and dad more than anything else anyway.

  5. My 2 and a half year old brings her pillow and blanket into our room to sleep in our bed every night. Do I love this? No. I wish she would sleep in her bed so we wouldnt be so squished especially when we have another baby arriving in december. I wouldnt encourage this habit, I mean parents need their own space. When I am in bed asleep is the only time I can really seperate myself from her and when she is in the bed too I am spending 24 hours a day with my daughter. Also if they sleep in your room from their bed time onwards, when will you get to have s*x?? I mean with a little baby you can do it un-noticed, but when they get older you cant do that anymore. My friend's 7 year old has never grown out of sleeping in his parents bed, but the bed is too small so her husband has to sleep on the couch, how is that good for the dad or for the marriage?

  6. My daughter is 9mnths and sleeps in my room in her cot, she does have her own bedroom which is decorated in neurtral colours with brown bears (teddys wash day from mothercare) on the walls and curtains. Our house isnt a great size and her room is been used as storage for the moment so thats why shes with us until we either sort a new house or clear our clutter. I would say as your baby gets older they develop a character and u will know what will soothe ur baby and make them feel relaxed. Even though my daughters only young she doesnt like the dark, likes cuddles and other babies so her next room will be made light with lots of teddys and really girly features to make her feel secure...what about a space real dark blue walls with stars on the ceiling (glow in dark ones), a few spaceships on the wall just an idea..

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