
How many of you slow down when coming to a construction site?

by Guest60997  |  earlier

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So yesterday and today I have noticed that no one slows down when they are apporaching a construction sit regardless if there are construction workers or not. I live in WI and I was going into IL and right on 45 north there going into IL there is a lot of construction being done to make more split highways to prevent congestion. The speed limit was 45 and everyone but me and a few more other cars where going 45 everyone else was speeding pass. Then today on my way to work I was approachong some more construction on a small street going to work and I slowed down. It went from a two lane to one lane and I slowed down and because I was infront of everyone else they had to slow down as well...but the guy behind me was riding my azz! Argh that makes me so mad! But how many of you slow down when approaching a construction site regardless if there are people or not?




  1. Where I live there are always 25MPH speed limit signs posted at all road construction sites. It matters NOT if any work is actually being done, the limit is ALWAYS 25MPH.

    A ticket for speeding is VERY expensive, as they double the fine for speeding in those zones.

    Continue to obey the law, and disregard the scofflaws that tailgate you. Some of THEM will eventually get caught too we hope

  2. I slow down.

    I'm convinced that most of us are driving with common sense. However, there are a handful of idiots, like the one you encountered, who think the laws don't apply to them. They make the roads unsafe for everybody.

  3. There are a lot of construction workers killed by cars that refuse to slow down.  If the guy behind is too stupid to care for the lives of workers, it is his problem if he has to wait for you to pass the zone.  We have big-time fines here, and there is enforcement, and that is the way it should be.  The limit is lower only when workers are on site here.

  4. It's the law!

  5. I do, typically since more and more cops have been nabbing people who speed through construction zones.

    Here in Michigan, they changed it so that the speed limit is 60 through a construction zone, but if there are workers present, it's 45. According to research, this has been more effective than the traditional 45mph zone. Plus, it gets traffic through quicker.

  6. I do, not only because, duh, I do not want to hurt someone but also because here in Michigan fines are doubled in work zones. The speed limit is typically 60 and 45 where workers are present, this really is not too much to ask in my opinion I think I would be nervous even working where people are driving 45 miles an hour.

  7. I slow down around construction site.  I know how you feel about that guy behind you.  I hate people that tailgate.  When I see people tailgating me I go even slower.  They can tailgate me and get pissed at me however long they want because I don't care!  I don't know how those people got a driver license because they sure don't follow the rules and they don't care about safety.  If I can give tickets like cops do I'd have given at least 100 tickets each time I go to work and I only drive 15 minutes to work!

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