
How many of you support the theory of fragmented personalities amongst trauma survivors?

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How many of you support the theory of fragmented personalities amongst trauma survivors?




  1. Well, I didn't buy it for a long time but I was in denial.  On the other hand, people around me don't doubt it at all.

    Most people in the world dissociate to some extent or another.  Even things like daydreaming in class or going into autopilot while driving are forms of dissociation--your brain just 'leaves' your body to do the work.  It's not weird or abnormal, it just happens--more often when someone is stressed or tired or board.

    Or people in car crashes--the majority of people in bad accidents actually can't remember the actual impact but before or after the accident.  The brain is not able to process the experience in full so it is broken up and fragmented.  This same phenomenon is also experienced in animals being chased--they too will freeze and sometimes it is a better alternative than fight or flight.

    My personal belief is that fragmentation or dissociation is a normal reaction to an abnormal situation.  When a young child cannot handle physically or emotionally what they are being forced to experience, they fragment and store parts of them away in order to handle life at hand.  Depending of the age of the individual, the degree of abuse, the resources the child had, and many other variables marks the level of dissociation the individual experiences.

    In all, fragmentation is a way of survival.  A normal response to an abnormal situation.

  2. I do.  I've read several books on the subject, including autobiographies.  Its really amazing to me the coping mechanisms the brain will come up with to deal with such traumas.  

  3. It does happen sometimes, more often with victims of early childhood trauma.  Most trauma survivors do not suffer this particular problem, though they may have other forms of dissociation.

  4. I don't

  5. i see your pondering on that thought alot i do support the theory

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