
How many of you teens and adults still write in Cursive?

by  |  earlier

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Is it in all your writings or just in a few things?




  1. i learned it in the 3rd grade

    and most of my teachers want us to print

    i think it was nice to learn

    but a waste of time :( since we cant use it

  2. I'm 17....

    I use cursive when I am asked to give my signature.

    I don't use it for anything else to be honest....    If a teacher wants me to write in cursive, I will but usually, they just want it typed or hand written in black pen.

  3. I don't unless in writing my signature

  4. I sue it for signatures.  I use cursive and calligraphy for elegant things, like labels or decoration.

    But I use print for pretty much everything else.  Most of my professional communication is typed, anyway, so it comes out in print most of the time.

  5. I does.  Printing seems like a lot of sticks, starting and stopping.  Cursive writing is more fluid and faster.

  6. My handwriting is half-and-half. Some letters at the ends of words I'll keep cursive (like an "s") but I haven't written a fully cursive text in over twelve years. There just hasn't been any need to.

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