
How many of you took time off to travel after high school, before starting college?

by Guest57586  |  earlier

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i started college and now im distracted and i want to travel a bit and then get serious about school - how many have done this? care to share about it?




  1. I know three people who have done that.  None of them actually went to college after traveling.

  2. I did not take any time between the two.  However, I had a great summer and then started college.  After college, I took a little time to travel and figure out what I wanted.  After a few months of that, I landed a job.

    Most people will say take the time off and do that.  While I mostly agree, I am glad I did not travel and rack up lots of credit card debt.  Now I am still young, not as much debt but can travel on my income.  

    Each person has to find their own path though.  Whatever you decide, make it fun.  If you travel, go backpacking through Europe or South America.  If you go right into college, join some organizations and make everyday a highly-valuable learning experience.

  3. Take the chance to travel now!! I didn't and I regretted it. My situation was only slightly different. I skipped high school and went to community college when I was 17, graduated at 19, and I really wanted to take a full year off before starting my junior year at the regular university. My family insisted however and I gave in, when I really didn't have to. I was so burnt out that that year my grades plummeted and I even had to retake a class. It took me ages to recover my GPA. You are not missing any opportunities by waiting a little, college will wait for you if you take a year or two off. Go to Europe!

  4. Oh yes! Travel now why you have the chance to have fun! Why you're not tied down to kids or a husband/wife. I didn't ever travel after highschool but now I wish I did, just to have the memory, just to be able to say I went on a ROAD TRIP out of don't even have to bring a bunch of people, just get you and your best friend together or something and GO! and if you can't afford to go to the nearest "attraction" or an "attraction" in your state. Like for me, I live in Florida, so i would take a road trip to a nice beach. Just do it, have a good time and you'll have memories that will last a life time :)

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