
How many of you understand that the money George gave you to spur the economy was yours to begin with?

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He has borrowed money to buy your vote. You do understand that you use the infastructure of our country to make a living and the rich use it to amass wealth far beyond your comprehension. So it is only normal that they pay more for that infastucture. For instance... been to court lately... likely to defend a traffic ticket. But business is constantly using the courts as well ad the rich... h**l their the only ones that can afford the attournys. all to amass wealth. So naturally they should pay more. They use our military to make money... its all about money. Freedom? the rich don't care about Freedom. They just pick up and move off shore. To understand Barack look up these two terms. Economics- Keynes or Keynesian Economics. Secondly "Soft Power" We used to use these alot, but the power shifted to where we got away from it. We need to get back to Keynesian Economics and Soft Power. Otherwise the US will be using the Bankruptcy courts. This is some of the change that Barack is talking about.




  1. My money was used to fund a war I did not approve of; rebuild a country which was devastated by the war I did not approve of; and bail out mortgage companies when I was the one who bought the house when the market was at an all-time high.

    The money I received was guilt money, issued by his administration for destroying the American economy, increasing unemployment and denying my child the extracurricular activities in school which their children enjoy in private schools.

  2. Some of us are aware of that fact.  The rest are in denial, since this wasn't on FOX news.

  3. The Mint printed it, and China loaned us the Gold to back it.

  4. You are wrong. The money came hot off the printing presses. It appeared out of thin air. All it did was cause more inflation.

  5. Talk about misinformation.  The stimulus checks were a gift from the dummycrats to try and regain some popularity but it did not work.George does not need any votes he is done. Despite all the complaints about Bush he still has a higher popularity rating than the do nothing congress.

  6. That was passed by the democrap controlled congress nimrod.

  7. Even worse, I betcha we'll have to pay tax on it as "income" for this year.

    What a waste.

  8. Presidential hopeful differences

    John McCain, Hillary Clinton, and Barak Obama were walking down a Washington D.C. street when they came upon a homeless person. The Republican, John McCain, gave the homeless person his business card and told him to come to his office for a job. He then took $20 out of his pocket and gave it to the homeless person.

    Hillary was very impressed, so when they came upon another homeless person, she decided to help. She walked over to the homeless person and gave him directions to the welfare office. She then reached into John McCain's pocket and got out $20. She kept $15 for her administrative fees and gave the homeless person $5.

    When they came upon yet another homeless person, Barak told the homeless person to 'have hope...change is coming...' and gave him nothing.

    Now do you understand the differences?

  9. Bush is just passing out the money to make himself look good. He's never done a job well in his life, including being President.  

  10. BUY MY VOTE? What is George Bush running for that he needs to buy my vote? HE is no longer running for anything and even though Obama is saying we can't afford four more years, McCain is not Bush!

  11. The money was borrowed from Red China so we could buy more c**p made in Red China.

    I believe that this was originally an idea of the Democrats.  A bad idea.  Why is Pres. Bush taking credit for it now?  Even as screwed up as Republican economic theory is, I can't see them hatching an idea like this.  It just doesn't sound Republican.

  12. Absolutely.  ANY money the government has came from the people in one way or another.  Giving it back to us is just a cheap publicity stunt.

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