
How many of you use your 2nd Amendment?

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I do! Who else does? And what's your political affiliation?




  1. The NRA has as many Dems as Repubs, it is truly a nonpartisan group as long as you respect gun rights...

  2. ***Amendment II  

    A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.***

    This does not mean that one is MORE patriotic by carrying a gun.  It was certainly not meant that way either.  Citizens have a right to keep guns and use them according to the law.  Period.  It is not a duty, like voting. Also, rabid gun owners love to say that "guns don't kill people, people kill people".   Well, there is a reason we don't sell bombs at Walmart, because you don't see bumperstickers that say "bombs don't kill people, people kill people".  There is certainly validity to the notion that certain weapons can do more harm than others.  No one would want to live next door to a guy that builds bombs, no matter what his constitutional rights.  

    I have lived in a household with guns all my life.  I have been a registered Democrat all my life (as is my dad and my husband); however during a recent scare, I kept a baseball bat by my bed when hubby was away, because I have two kids, and guns are very dangerous:  

    ***Firearms injury is the second leading cause of non-natural death in childhood and adolescence. (CDC, 2004) Accidental shooting deaths are most commonly associated with one or more children playing with a gun they found in the home. (Choi, et al, 1994) The person pulling the trigger is a friend, family member, or the victim. (Harruff, 1992) In the period from 1979 to 2000, accidental firearms deaths involving children declined in the U.S., aided by child access prevention laws and felony prosecution of offenders. (Hepburn et al, 2006)***

    I know this stuff is not cited correctly, but you can find the sources if you go to the links below:

  3. Absolutely.

    I am a progressive Libertarian.

  4. If you are referring to gun ownership, I own a revolver. I live in a state which permits open carry of weapons and many times I do wear it on my hip in public. In over 25 years of residence here I have had to withdraw it from its holster on four occasions. Each time I did so to avert a crime. On three of those occasions I was the intended victim. I did not have to fire the revolver.

    I'm a non-partisan voter who was a registered Democrat from 1960 to 1972 and a registered Republican from 1972 to 1998. I ran in two primaries for elective office as a Republican.

    There are those who might say I was acting in place of the police on those four occasions where I had to withdraw my revolver and point it at someone. But, I also live in a county whose land area is larger than the entire State of New Jersey or the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. So, it might take the police a bit of a time to respond to such situations.

  5. I don't own a gun, but my boyfriend whom I live with does. I've also decided that I would like to know how to use a firearm well and own a gun, but I'm 19 and have to be 21 in my state to own one.

    I am an independent, who leans to the left on the majority of issues (but not by much).

  6. I live in Oklahoma where you are required to have a permit and although I don't own a gun I have no problem with those that do have them as long as they are legal, I have a 120 pound Rott rather than a gun.

  7. I use my 2nd amendment rights all the time.  

    I have a concealed weapons permit and I do own firearms. I am prepared to use them in defense of myself, my family, my friends, and my free country.

    Folks who own firearms are much less likely to get stomped on by those who want to control every facet of their lives.

    My political affiliation is not republican, Democrat, or any other group who wants to imprison me.

    I am fiercely independent!

  8. I have made use of my 2nd amendment right in the past. I currently do not own a firearm but won't hesitate to get one any way I can if there is a serious threat to any of our bill of right!

    As for affiliation??? Totally independent!

  9. The second amendment does NOT compel a person to arm themselves.  Thus, using the 2nd amendment does not require owning a gun, particularly owning one for the express purpose of shooting someone else.  Besides, in the far greater numbers, people who own a gun and shoot a person with it, shoot themselves.

  10. I bought a gun for my 10 year old.  He brings it school - you can never be too safe.


  11. No I don't. I have much more important things to spend money on than weapons.

  12. I have no particular political affiliation and I avail myself of my 2nd amendment rights.

    It saved the lives of myself and some of my relatives in the Philippines a while ago.  I am a believer!

  13. I do. every day. I served as a Coast Guard Boarding Officer and did 21 month undercover anti-narcotics. 51 very rich and important druggies went to prison from my testimony.  I also did time in Desert storm and Desert Shield. I have lived in NM where the law is clear. If you wish to openly carry it is legal as long as it is legal for you to own the firearm.  I have carried since the day I was discharged from the USCG,

    Political affiliation is Radical Independent. Libertarians are too left wing for me.

  14. I am all for the owning a firearm... my father has a huge collection and my hubby is a police officer... so I've been around them my whole life.  But then again I am a conservative :)

  15. It is the duty of every American citizen to fulfill there right of the 2nd amendment . I'm a constitutionalist .

  16. Jeeyyyeahh! Church of Ammo, Pr Charlton Heston!

    added: Libertarian

  17. There are more guns in America than pets.

  18. If you mean by owning a gun ?

    We have that Right .

    The thing that is so great about the Second Amendment and that is it will never have to be used until they try to take it away !

    As for when that day does come God Help U.S. !!!!

  19. repub..I have currently excercised it a number of times an will continue to do so

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