
How many of you visit their place of worship only when they are in real need?

by Guest32781  |  earlier

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I found this very strange question asked in one of the shows? but actual it's the fact, what are your views...




  1. Well.. I think i used to be likethat. But now i visit as often as i can. It feels peaceful.

  2. Actually I have not gone to one specific place to worship for years.  The church/synagogue/mosque has very little to do with God.  It is more a human community.

    God is not waiting in those buildings.

    When I need God I pray where I am, and God is there.

  3. not really, I go to church to almost every sunday :] even if I am in need or not.  

  4. i don't have a place of worship. i'm not religious since i found out the truth about catholics. i am a christian spiritualist.

    the catholic church burned all but one copy of the original new testament. t=with the only copy they put it  in the caves in sections. to hopefully never be found again. the catholics made a new bible based solely on making money. that is the reason when you go to church normally there is a base amount you must pay in the collection plate. they say it's to help the poor but if you think about it who are they taking from. not the rich and for that matter how do you think they can afford all the gold in the ceremony. religion is greedy and false.

    i prefer to believe in god the way he intended. anywhere free of charge.

  5. i pray everyday at home but when i am in need i go to mandir to pray there and for me it is like going to parents house when a daughter is in need.

  6. I usually pray at midnight when it's full moon, but...not to god.

  7. I pray a God every morning.But some how whenI'm in

    real need as u say, I pray more as before.

  8. Just once. I am a Catholic, and I always go to a Catholic Church. But my friend is a Protestant, and I have visited his church, for the purpose that the church was throwing a overnight party. So I went with him and my other friend over there. The two churches I have visited are closely the same from each other, but there are different religious readers over there, people prayed over there with their hand up in the air or by holding the other people's hands, and everybody preach differently too. And some of their beliefs are different that I don't agree.

  9. I am always in my place of worship, as where I worship is where ever I happen to be at.

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