
How many of you watched both the conventions? Honest answer please. ?

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How many of you watched both the conventions? Honest answer please. ?




  1. I watched the Democratic National Convention, and I'm tuned into the Republican National Convention right now.  

  2. I did. I like to get all the facts myself before I try to critique something.

    About half an hour ago I heard part of a speech Obama was giving dissing what Palin said/didn't say yet at the same time his camp was admitting that Obama only watched a small part of Palin's speech. Maybe if he did a little more research it to what he was saying he would have a clue as to what he was talking about.

  3. I watched all of the DNC, and about 30 mins. of Sara Palin's speech yesterday.

  4. I watched both conventions.

  5. i did so far best speakers have been




    neither palin or obama really did it for me although i dont care speeches are just a bunch of hot air


    MCCAIN 08

  6. I did.

  7. I still am

  8. I've watched or listened to on NPR most of both conventions.

  9. I watched both. the dems' was sickening.

  10. I

  11. I did.  This last one is boring me to death though.

  12. I did

  13. I have.

    The DNC got almost comical. I don't care who Oprah is voting for and that Obama has to speech his style and no substance in a football field like that's supposed to impress me.

    I am up in the air on which ticket to vote for but I am leaning towards McCain/ Palin only because I'm sick of the media, celebrities telling me who to vote for and I don't think that McCain is another George Bush.

    I'm sick of George Bush and I know for a fact that McCain is no Bush.  

  14. I watched too much DNC and only saw Giuliani's and Palin's speeches at the RNC.  If I could vote, I'd probably go for the GOP.

  15. I've seen Obama's speech, over and over again, it never 'change's...So, I didn't really need to watch it again...Was there something new that I may have missed?

    I watched Sarah, because I wanted to see and hear something NEW

    She didn't disappoint me :)

  16. I did, and still am watching.  I am an Independent, and still undecided.

  17. i watched both and bullcrap sarah said the samething this lady above must be a fool she was horrible as if she could stare in to the tv screen trying to read the prompter...pete sake it was the same thing you said when mccain introduced for vp if i her about that d**n bridge one more time ....that she actually was all game for

  18. I watched bits and pieces of the DNC and I have not seen any of the RNC but I intend to.

  19. I think it's irresponsible not to pay attention to both sides of the issue.  After watching both, I am more convinced than ever that we need some viable competition.  I think Obama is all talk.  I think that McCain is a recipe for repeated disaster.  Palin is a joke.  Biden, I think would be the best choice of the four.

  20. i did, and i flip-flopped between fox and msnbc. I'm an independent voter and i like to hear both sides.

  21. I did!

    And I live in Canada haha :)

    Both had/have great speeches, but so far for me, the democrats seem to have more class in their words. Of course both sides have to prove they are better than the other, but not by insulting or laughing at the other party in such an aggressive manner!

  22. I watched Biden's speech, and some of Obama's.

    I watched some of Giuliani's speech, and all of Palin's.

    All spoke well.  Palin spoke the best.

  23. I am and it's strange that the current president didn't come.

    What hurricane now? I will finish my mandatory homework tonight.

    I also flipped flopped and watched 2 TV's. CNN, MSNBC........reluctantly Fox (56 seconds only at a time)

    Cheney went where and when?

  24. My girlfriend and I did.



    Obama/Biden '08!

  25. I did and still am. Tonight is another night. I will have to record most of it though. I work nights. But will watch it tomorrow.  I have made my choice and nothing this week has changed it. It only verified my reasons. As least I have been open-mined about the differences unlike many,many others.

    Obama/Biden 08

  26. I watched both conventions--not every minute.  

  27. I watched bits of both.  Wasn't Levi Johnston awesome?

  28. I did. I probably watched the Dem convention more even though I am voting for McCain.

  29. I've seen both of them.

  30. All of it straight on both of them.

    Watched some of both.

    Biggest observation I have made is that the republican's excitement is a little forced...just watch Cindy McCain last night...good thing she isn't an actess.

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