
How many of you were aware?

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That since monday, a six year old girl has been held hostage at knife point by a man in his 30's in yorkshire?

It has just been mentioned on the radio now.




  1. I knew, I heard it on the local radio yesterday.

    its happening  in Scarborough

  2. Sometimes things happen and nobody informs the media.  Also on occasions the media are asked to keep it quiet to avoid hundreds of people rushing to watch and just making matters worse.

  3. Get the armed police there and snipe him out at the first and safest opportunity.

    No messing around.

    Nuff said.

  4. That's terrible, haven't heard a single word about it, I hope the outcome is good ,but you never know what is the mind set of people who do these things , it really could go either way.

  5. Saw it on teletext a day or so back - I have heard nothing new on the "news".

  6. Didn't hear a word.Odd.

  7. Sadly, that doesn't surprise me. It's horrible, but this kind of stuff is always on the news. But no, I wasn't aware.

  8. maybe because there's been so many kidnappings,stabbings,etc that the government decided to keep it hush hush cause everyone knows its not so easy to step out of the house like it was a few years ago

    i jus hope the little girls ok

  9. How could my knowledge of the event helped?  How does your knowing about it help?  Could publicity have actually made the job of the police more difficult? It is one thing to have a sense of moral outrage but quite another to direct it towards something useful.

  10. No I haven't heard anything about it. Poor kid, why do people use children as pawns like this? I hope it's resolved soon.

  11. Wow, this is the first I've heard of this.

    Obviously there has to be some reason for this blackout, not least the fact that the abductor will have access to the media.

    Wonder why they have decided to release this now though.

  12. OMG!!! That poor child! I pray that she will be kept safe and returned ASAP. Seems to me that the Olympics are more important than a threatened little girl. This hould have been breaking news - hope the police have shown more concern. x

  13. omg hostage? the blackout is probably for her protection so as not to freak the abductor out and risk any harm coming to her

  14. Oh my god thats terrible.

    Do they know why he has her??

    What on earth is the world coming to?!

  15. Oh my God really?!

    Why on earth don't they show us on the news? I was watching the news yesterday and they were showing a woman who owned a garden gnome. Hardly news?

    That poor little girl, what a sick man. I hope she is ok...

  16. Why would you need a knife to subdue a six-year old girl? Can't be that difficult....

  17. No i was not aware, but i think the newspapers are more hyped up about 'Madeline in Belgium' and the Olypmic Games at the moment.

    I pray for the little girl that she is alright.

  18. I was unaware of that.

  19. Have not heard a thing about this, and if it is true I hope they get hold of him, when they have got the girl safe.The coward, as that is so easy, to get children. They should bring back the cat o nine tails, and give him a few lashes of it before they throw him into a dungeon.People who do this are weaklings, and    nasty people, so the punishment should be severe.My feelings are with this little girl and I hope he has not touched her, because if he has, he then wants the most severe punishment they can dish out. Some of these men want hanging as they are no good for the society we live in, and do not deserve to live. It makes you think what is wrong with people like this.I wonder who ordered the news blackout, as they want locking up as well.

  20. I haven't heard anything about it, I hope she's ok.

  21. I hadn't heard. Maybe they kept it quiet for a reason. Does the girl know the bloke? Hope she's ok.

    Just heard, he's been arrested, she's being looked after.

  22. It was on BBC News 24 yesterday but to be fair, it was in the daytime (I had the day off).  I was rather surprised it wasn't on the headline news.  

  23. Poor child.  I wonder if there was a new black out for the safety of the child, it happens occasionally

  24. The police probably kept it quiet for the girls own safety... stop the man going off the rails

    It sounds awful though

  25. Well it was 33 hours at 8am this morning so that's since about 11pm Monday.

    Yeah I heard about it. Now to add to the little girls Terror the Police are surrounding the house with Guns. I'm sure if his estranged Girlfriend came forward and lied to him that she wants him back and that she loves him, he'd come out, no bother. Then they can tackle the nutter to the floor and cuff him, without anyone being injured.

    It's over a Domestic. The kid is part of the Domestic. Not sure if she is his or the girlfriends....

  26. Nothing in the news about this.

    It's not so much a news blackout but major events elsewhere hogging the limelight and air-waves - Beijing Olympics and Georgia etc.


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