
How many of you who live in the path of Gustav will stay home and ride out the storm??

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We are in South Central Louisiana(St. Landry Parish) and we are staying home. Everyone be safe and God bless!!!!! Thanks




  1. Lafayette, LA here. Yes, i have never fled home for a storm, just a few times while on vacation. I will flee for a cat 5, maybe even a cat 4. I do however flee afterwards when there no electricity, AC, cable, police enforced  curfew, etc.

    I have family from Lafourche (Cutt Off, Golden Meadow, Larose, etc) and Houma to New Orleans. Good Luck everyone.

  2. To all of you who are thinking about staying in New Orleans to ride out the hurricane, I suggest you read this news article.

    With Gustav being already a Category 3 before it hits Cuba, it would be a (pardon my American slang) dumbass decision to stay below sea level. At least, please get to higher ground.  

  3. I live near Galveston, Texas. My husband says we're staying here. To all of you...God Bless you and keep you safe.

  4. I live in Vermilion Parish and my wife and I will be staying for Gustav. We survived through Lily and Rita in the last few years. St. Landry is a little farther north, so I think you should be fine. Good Luck to you and your family over the next few weeks (Gustav and the next few hurricanes).

  5. I live in the central of Louisiana as well;We'll ride it out at my home too. We went through it with Katrina and Rita; So, there's no point of running and hiding.  

  6. I live in New Orleans and we might go to ochsner , fam works there, or we will beat it and head on out

  7. I live in Lafourche Parish in Louisiana about thirty miles from the Gulf. I am leaving I just don't know when.

  8. We are waiting untill tomorrow to decide.

    I live in St. Tammany Parish

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