
How many of you will admit you have stretch marks?

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i have them on my upper legs and small ones on my b***s




  1. On my inner thighs and some on my b***s (understandable, I suppose, they're pretty big).

  2. I do on my b***s but that`s the only place i have them.

  3. I had them on my tops of my thighs and my bum. I don't consider them there anymore because they are white, really faded and unnoticeable

  4. i do!

    i have them on the inside of my thighs :( lol

    they are pretty faded..but they are still there:( lol

  5. if i had any i would :D


  6. I do! lol On my hips, but I used something to cover them up,so I don't have than many ♥

  7. I do! I hate them but i never show my thighs so, no one will ever see them!

  8. ya i have them their too but then i had a baby now  i have stretch marks on my stomach =(

  9. I had a baby 5 years ago. My stretch marks faded, but are still REALLY noticeable. I'll tell anyone who asks that I don't like to show my stomach because of them. So yeah, I have them, I feel like **** about them, and I'm pretty much ok with that.  

  10. I'm fourteen, but I'll tell you If I ever get any!

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