
How many of you wish for a different life?

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  1. There was a time when I did.  I met my hubby 12 yrs. ago.  He has left me.  I have had several illnesses since I was 40.  I am now 52.  My childhood was a wreck, I dealt with some mental issues from when I was a child. EVERYTHING WAS PERFECT WHEN WE GOT TOGETHER... Now I am trying to work thru this and wonder again DO I WISH I HAD A PERFECT LIFE.  It is probally depression which I have been on med's for years.  I have learned a lot since Nov.  This is the first time I have been alone since I left home at age 17.

  2. my life has been bad and unfair but i think everything happens for a reason and thats what fate has for me so no i dont wish for a diff life. i like my life even if its unfair.

  3. Not me. I lead a very contended life. Honestly thinking, God Almighty has given me much more than what I really deserve.

  4. People are greedy by nature so most people want a different, better life. The difference is some will work hard for it, other simply wish.

  5. I'm finally happy with my life . It's not perfect but I believe it's probably the best I could hope for , considering the mistakes of my past. I don't want a different life .  I'd probably have to give up too many things I love.

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