
How many of you wore a poppy today?

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Thanks for the God save the Queen answers by the way - even you sad anti-royalists.




  1. We don;t know how many of us wore a poppy. The question has to be 'Did you wear a poppy today?'

  2. I would have bought one if I'd seen anywhere that sold them... but I didn't!

  3. I didn't! :(

  4. Yes, even we Yanks felt the need to remember.

  5. I did & being a soppy sort I was really proud watching my son & his rugby team mates all line up together for the silence before their match. They were all sincere & it's nice to see teenagers paying their respects & meaning it.

  6. i not only wore a poppy, i attended the rememberance parade, with my parents[both in the british legion] whilst there i wore my fathers[late] medals and i laid a reef at the leeds cenotaph, i felt very very proud. And i did remember them, not just those in the 1st, 2nd, world war, but those in the falklands,  HMS SHEFFIELD, ANTELOPE, those on goose green, many more, even those recently killed in iraq, afganistan, my late father was in the navy, he was a minesweeper, he was in italy conflict, africa, tubruk atlantic conflict, my mum was a wren, so they both fought for me so that i can have a better life, live in peace, and not fear, my grand-dad [late] was in the boar war. so i shall always remember them and i shall always wear a poppy on nov 11th, 2008 and the years that follow, they should never be forgotten, they sacrificed their lives, for our freedom they gave their todays, for our tomorrow, they wont grow old, our heroic warriors who sleep in peace, but we will, we have been given that gift.

  7. yep, and i brought a drink for all the proud medal wearing men and women at my local British legion when they returned from the service

  8. i did, and was proud and sad all at the same time.

  9. No, did not.  But will wear a lily.

    And we anti-royalists are not sad, merely hopeful.

  10. i did, and i shall for a few more days yet.. it is now attached to my fave jacket. today i wore it with pride

  11. I forgot to wear mine, but I was at work anyway so it probably would of fallen off. I did put about three quid in the box when i bought it though (clearing all the change from my wallet :D)

    I watched the Ceremony on the BBC. And I'm not anti-royalist, just anti-London centric stuff. But the Queen loves Scotland, so take that southeners!!

  12. Yes, I've been wearing it for quite a few days now.

  13. you don't need to wear a poppy to remember why not , i went to etaples in france last month , it makes you very humble , less we forget

  14. I definatly did. :D

    I figuure it's the least I could do.

    I mean people fought for our freedom might as well remember them, and honour them.

  15. Yes, but it kept falling off since I'm so stupid not able to attach it properly and I poked myself with the pin, but still!!!

  16. Didnt.

  17. I did indeed

  18. I most certainly did and it was a red one.

  19. I certainly did.

  20. ummm...whats a poppy?

    Isaac :)

  21. I wore one a couple of days ago as I bought it on the street, but hey it should still count! :-)

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