
How many of you would consider yourselves "radical" feminists?

by Guest65706  |  earlier

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And what does that entail?




  1. I just believe in equal opportunity, and that one gender is not more logical, emotional, or smarter than the other.

  2. I would not. I'm a liberal feminist.

    Some people define "radical" as "activist" (that's how the president of our students' association explained it to me), but that could mean anything. I would define it as "focused on the ends to the extent that the means become inconsequential." A dictionary definition is " . . . advocat[ing] fundamental political, economic, and social reforms by direct and often uncompromising methods."

  3. I am not radical. I only mildly and casually identified myself as a feminist before I started visiting GWS and realized how maligned the term was and how much fun it was to irritate misogynists into temper tantrums.

  4. no wait wait...i wonder if any are.." gnarly" or " totally awesome" feminists?

    hmm maybe " tubular"?

  5. By its very definition - or certainly, because of its perceived meaning - you won't find many that will accept the term 'radical' as a label for themselves.  Certainly not here, anyway.  

    Really, its too bad, though.  As I see the notion of a radical feminist as one who is extreme in their commitment to their cause - which certainly fits the description of many here.  And it also conjures up images of those who would condone extreme measures to achieve what they believe to be rights.  And again - I think I've read MANY posts advocating such a thing.  

    So, really - I think the word needs to be changed to something a little more benign for anyone to admit or align with it....

  6. I'm just a regular feminist.

    I believe women and children in third world countries need help to an extent American women, British women, etc do not..

  7. Not me.

  8. You know, a lot of alcoholics consider themselves social drinkers.

    There's this little thing called denial that  prevents some from seeing themselves for what they really are.

  9. I don't consider myself "radical" anything. Extremists scare me, lol.

  10. For people who cant distinguish between misogynists and non-feminists, its going to be harder to know if they are liberal femminists or the radical ones themselves. They say they are "NOT radical" or they are liberal, while their words speak something else. You could as well have rephrased this question to "Feminists : Please tell me a LIE". :-D

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