
How many of you would go down for a dollar?

by  |  earlier

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You know if you were walking down the street...Would you bend over to pick it up or is one dollar not enough to do that for?




  1. I would...unless I was in the Castro in San Francisco...then I'd wonder what the h**l I was doing there in the first place.  

  2. Sean J, I must be perverted too. lol.

    But yea I guess I'd pick the dollar up.

  3. No Way...!!

  4. I'd do it for a nickle. h**l, if I had been drinking I might do it for nothin'...

  5. i would bend over for a penny.  they add up fast.

  6. I don't pick anything up, unless its $5.00 or more. And that's hard to find. :|

  7. for a woman, i would forego the dollar and pull up a chair at that buffet!

  8. me me me me me....

  9. i think everybody will go down and grab it, me either.

  10. which street?

  11. I'd go down for free. Not to help the dudes out though.  

  12. h**l yeah i need all the gas money i can get

  13. i would look around first, see if the person who dropped it was near, if there was no one i'd take it, it might blow away or something, get wasted.

  14. i pick up pennies,i think its bad luck not to,i dont do it if im in a crowd or something but a dollar i would.

  15. you got me.

    I must be perverted !

  16. I had a whole different answer prepared for this until I read the rest of the question.

  17. I would grab it!!!!!!

  18. I went down for a quarter this morning.......I'm not passing money by

  19. lmao... i feel like a perv.

    but yeah.. i'd definately pick it up, but i wouldn't go down for a dollar. :]

  20. I have no gluteus maximus, so yes, I would "go down" in the way you said for a dollar.

  21. I would pick it up; as long as dog p**p is not on it  

  22. no, i wouldnt !!

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