
How many of you would like for Hillary to be back in the Race~??!!!?

by  |  earlier

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or if not Hillary who would you choose to be your Partys Nomination for the General Election~!!!




  1. i liked hilary!!!!!!!!!!! it dissapointed me when i found out she was no longer in the race.

  2. MEE!!obama is going to ruin everything, aand McCain is just another bush practically.

  3. Republican- Mitt Romney (knows his stuff about the economy and has actually governed a state so has managed a budget)

    Democrat- Bill Richardson (same reason as Romney, has actually governed a state)

  4. Hillary completely screwed everything up by dropping out!  Well America brace yourselves, the war hasn't yet even begun.

  5. ME!!!!

    go John McCain!

  6. i would love for her to be back in the race

  7. **** no, shes a ******* moron who can "mistake" a camera for a sniper rifle.....what vision!

  8. In a heart beat. Her husband should keep out the screen.

  9. I would rather Mitt Romney represent the Republican party but I like John McCain too.

  10. As far as I'm concerned she is still in the race and should be nominated I(ok I'm dreaming).  Since I'm in the Independence Party she could still be my nominee.  Otherwise Al Gore should be rnominated and re-elected President.

  11. HILLARY! Holy c**p. Bring her back! Obama's going to ruine everything and McCain is a moron.

  12. Me! I'm 100% for Hillary!

  13. Bring Hillary Clinton back! Obama is using Martin Luther King Jr.'s words! Hes saying like "I don't care if you're black,or white..." and other stuff...

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