
How many of you would teach if you didn't have the summer to recharge yourselves?

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How many of you would teach if you didn't have the summer to recharge yourselves?




  1. I'd still teach, although some sort of "vacation" time would be necessary to end one year, replan for the next year, and get excited for a new class.

  2. That's a good question.  I still think this job is preferable to the corporate world, even if I did teach in the summer.

    We have to publish, so we need the summer.  If they took that away, they would have to change that requirement.

  3. nobody

  4. I am a bit saddened because I am not working this summer.I  hate it when I am not teaching. My batteries must be solar powered or something, because they don't get charged while idle, they just sit there, not powering up anything. I love to be up when the day is new, every day, going to work, as a teacher. I used to have a career that never stopped because it was summer. I was part of the workforce that helped make vacations possible for teachers to take. If I had a vacation it was a couple weeks, and that was it. My job didn't care about summer. My bills sure didn't either! Though teacher salaries need to improve, I think summer can also be when this profession loses many great teachers that get detoured during the summertime, and not just because they didn't have rechargeable batteries! There are other professions that start to look good during the summer, especially for the eager go-getters! Just think, a career that would mean working with adults, speaking in 'Adult' language, and hearing just adults talk, being able to non-censor yourself. I laugh when I think of how I, myself, would sound if I were to try one of those jobs now. I would not be a happy camper! Besides, teaching makes all other professions possible!

  5. i would not teach even if i had the whole summer kids today are out of control and i am not a baby sitter i am a teacher so i would need more than a summer off and low pay to teach sorry!

  6. In almost 30 years of teaching, I've only taken two summers off without summer school, so apparently I would!

  7. I've taught summer school every year thus far....but it is nice to have a little time off. I love what I do..but I also love my family...any extra time to spend with them is a bonus!

  8. I've been teaching for 23 years in a city public school. SOme years are tougher than others. Those are the years that I LOVE July and August! But, most of my July and Augusts are spent redesigning my lessons, my classroom, and planning new projects for the upcoming year! I do enjoy the summers as our city schools are NOT air conditioned and it gets to be unbearable in the schools.

  9. I'm taking my first summer off right now.  If I had not taken this summer off, I was going to quit teaching for sure.  I've taught summer school and traditional school for 10 years without a break.

    I'll let you know in 10 weeks!

    I can tell you this: if I won the lottery, I would never go back.

  10. You ask an excellent question.  I guess I'm wondering if I would BE ABLE to teach without recharging my batteries... and that's a definite "no" and probably the case for any profession in which you just can't get energized.  I know one thing for sure: I do not need two and a half months to get recharged.  I think a vacation time of two to three weeks would be all I would really need.  I'm also in favor of the year-round school calendar... I think it's better for kids in that I've learned they tend to lose a lot of retention over the summer months.  I think most teachers would agree that we tend to almost spend the entire first month or two of school reviewing what they learned in the previous year.  I think the kids would have much greater momentum and learn even more if all districts adopted a year-round calendar.

  11. I job is very enjoyable and fullfilling.

  12. If i was a teacher i wouldnt be a teacher for that reason

  13. I definitely would not.  By May, I question why I ever became a teacher in the first place.  It takes over a month before I start thinking I like the job again.

  14. I would.  After about two weeks, I'm bored and ready to go back!  Here in WV, though, we usually have lots of snow days in the winter, a Thanksgiving break, a Christmas break, a spring break, and various holidays.

  15. I LOVE teaching! I work at a year-round school so we don't have the long summer off. We actually have "mini-breaks" throughout the year.  It works great! I think people who are in teaching for the love of it will continue while others waver.

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