
How many of you would want your child to move back in with you and their children after they were married?

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That was worded badly, how many would want their child, and that child's children to move back home with you if they were married?




  1. In Asia several generations live under the same roof.

  2. I grew up in an old-fashioned multi-generational family.  My parents were in their 40s and my grandparents were 69 and 81 when i was born, and we all lived together.   This was common for centuries before the "nuclear family" idea began this last century.

    I bought a huge house myself to make room for my children and their grandchildren if they choose to live here with husband and i.  It is no big deal.  And this means that grandparents like I will be can provide daycare on-site while parents go out to work.  And i'm expecting that ALL will financially contributing -- either full-time work or full-time daycare.  It can work out.

  3. oooh, I like this question...mostly because I think fathers view it differently. My husband can't wait to be a grandfather and wants them all to live with us and "help" with grandkids. I , on the other hand, think only if it was to help them get on their feet. I am interested in the answers.  Good one.

  4. if they desparetly need me, then yea. but other then that i would try to help them find somwhere to go..

  5. never, they have their own family they should take care of them on their own

  6. I would not want that at all!!  If I was the child and had to move back, that would be equally bad for me.

  7. Once they move out...please don't return especially with a family. Having children and a spouse means being resonsible and independent. I would not want that at all however in an emergency situation, I would allow it for a specific time frame so that they could get on their feet.

  8. I think the ideal situation for a functional family, would be to have a lot of land. Say like 20 acres. With a home on each end of the property. That way you are together, but have privacy as well. I'd love that scenario later in life. I'll still be young when our kids are grown (40 when our youngest turns 18), so I'd love to have the kids/grandbabies near.

  9. If my house was big enough, and I wasn't just the unpaid cook/nanny/laundress/chaffeur, it would be great!

  10. Not me! I gave my children all the tools to take care of themselves and I expect them to use them. Short of an unexpected death or some other catastrophe, (and I mean catastrophe) I would NEVER allow any one of my children to move back in because that would mean that they are not doing something right.

  11. If we have room & they need a place to live, then I would be fine with that.  I enjoy their company now, I would imagine that I'll enjoy it when they're grown, too.  

    I hope, for them, that they have a desire to be independent & lead lives that thrill them, on their own.  But, if the path that they take in life leads them to living with me, then I'm fine with that.

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