
How many of your children got their GCSE results today?

by Guest33606  |  earlier

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Were you pleasantly surprised or gutted?

When my 3 older ones got theirs i was over the moon.Especially with my youngest of the 3 who has dyspraxia.

Do you think it's a fair system though,with kids with learning difficulties having to take the same exams as the others.

I think there should be a whole different system with recognised grades to say,,hey look this kid has learning difficulties but look how hard they tried.(not in so many words but you get my drift)

Because at the end of the day you could have a gifted child who gets all A* and is work shy,who will get the job because of grades.

Then you can have the not so gifted child who isn't afraid to get their hands dirty,being denied because of grades.

I know who i'd rather employ.

Don't know if i made sense or not,but hey, do i ever?




  1. i had mine today. i got a C (i was pretty sure i was gonna fail)

  2. I had mine today.. had 11 C's :) so happy ...

  3. My children had their GCSE results many years ago now, at the time I was very pleased. It is an exciting but nerve wracking time for all concerned, my congratulations to all who have achieved passes whatever they may be.

  4. me, i got 1 B and the rest all C's

  5. My cousin got her results she got B's and C's. She was thrilled so was I.

  6. I got 5 As, 3Bs and 1C.

    I did better than that in my A levels though, because I never tried at school and thought I'd do badly at GCSEs.  I was so over the moon that I started paying attention during A levels.

  7. I was very happy with my results. Overall I got 8 GCSE's high grades so I am happy. I didnt expect the high results well I did but not as many as that, so I guess I am very pleased with them :)

  8. I had dyspraxia once, but my ankle healed over pretty quickly.

  9. My bro got 3C 1B and the rest D


  10. The children over here got their leaving certificate results earlier in the week, (none of mine, too young yet)...

    lol.....yes, had a different bottle to what I normally drink and it blew the head...... ((((suffering now))))

  11. well seeing as you're asking i got mine 6 years ago

    I got 9 C's and 1 A

    All I needed was 5 C's to do what It was that I wanted to do at the time so i was pleased and so were my parents

    LOL i AM 22!!

    But as of my next birthday I'll be working backwards so yeah as of next year I will be 22 for at least 2 years

    hmm it might take a while. you can only go back one year at a time so when you're 21 again you'll actually be closer to 60!

  12. i agree with you there busy, that is a good idea in theory but harder to put into practice i suspect, i have to say that as an ex employer myself gcse grades meant nothing to me, i would take someone on according to their interview not their grades and if someone sent a cv without a hand written covering note the application went in the bin anyway regardless of qualifications. xx

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