
How many of your children haven't really started talking by 22 months?

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my daughter is 22months and only says about four words, is that ok?




  1. Hi.  It is a perfectly normal phenomena, but you are right to keep your eye on it.

    What you need to look out for is, does she understand what is said TO her?

    Is she attracted to your voice in particular, but people's voices in general?

    Does she make eye - contact and share her attention with you?

    Is she interacting with you?

    Is she lacalising other sounds ok? (Does she have a hearing problem?)

    Is she making other vocalisations? (babbling, jargon, scribble talk)

    If she is doing these things then you probably don't have a thing to worry about.  If she isn't, then you perhaps need to keep a closer eye on things.

    Hope this helps.

  2. that is not normal so you ned to talk to her more and watch tv with her etc.

  3. I have 5 grown up children, and I also used to foster as well. The one thing I've learnt about kids is that there is no normal age for them to do something. Some walk early, others talk early or late. Your daughter is doing fine. She obviously doesn't have a hearing problem, which can cause speech to be delayed, as she is saying words. I bet her vocabluary blossoms in the next few months, and there will come a time when you'll wish for a bit of peace. Just let her develop at her own pace, and don't push or rush her, and talking will come naturally and be stress free for you both. Enjoy her while you can, and good luck.

  4. my son is 21 months old and says quite a few words but doesn't always pronounce them correctly. He can say things like wow wow ( for wow wow wubzy) and spiderman but he says it like pie-man lol I think as long as you continue to try to get her to say word she will eventually begin to talk more. Children develop differently and if your really concerned then talk to your ped but I'm sure she is fine.

  5. yeah, probly. my neighbors son is like 2 and he's never said anything.

  6. my son did'nt utter a word till 2 years and i sent him to school and he suddenly started talking.

  7. Just remember, Albert Einstein supposedly didn't talk until he was 3 years old (and even then not fluent until 9), but when he did, he spoke perfect (and no doubt, perfectly intelligent) sentences. Of course, he wasn't typical, but it's just to support others' answers here that she will develop at her own pace. (See link below for some good Amazon books on the topic.)

    By the way, a good tip to any parent who wants their children to develop verbally is to not baby-talk to them! Speak to them normally, from a young age, and you will find that they will develop verbally in a mature way. Otherwise, I knew kids at 4 who were still saying words like "zoom-zoom" for "car", because that was the only way that their parents communicated to them.

  8. truthfully, even with her prematurity, she should be saying almost 5 dozen words by now. Since she is not you should get her into early intervention/birth to 3. They will get her speech therapy to help her catch up. It will just make it harder for you if you wait and see if she starts talking on her own.

    My son only said 10 words when he was 27 months old and got his EI speech assesment. They tested him at a 15 month level and started him in speech therapy. it took 3 months of therapy but he finally started to make improvment and now says over 200 words. Because he was very frustrated and having lots of tantrums we taught him sign language too. He uses the sign language to clarify what he is saying since so many of his words sound alike.

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